
Saturday, April 28, 2012


Saturday, April 28, 2012

I did this layout for the MME April Sketch challenge using the
Miss Caroline & Follow Your Heart collections as well as some
Elle's Studio tags. 
Here is the link to their blog & sketch:

I can't decide whether this layout makes me want to shake my
head in amazement & wonder or bawl my eyes out at how big our
babies have gotten and how FAST it is flying by...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

good times G U I D E

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I did this layout for Shimelle's challenges from last weekend...

I used lots of Scrapbook Circle kit pieces and miscellaneous
things but was totally inspired by Tessa's layout for S.C. Challenge
#27 emphasising Stencils...I am not super glittery, even though
I love it, (and see piles of it with an 8 yr old girl) I just can't always
find the best ways to use it sparingly in my scrapbook pages.
This was perfect and the colors worked perfectly with the new
April kit and my photo!


Sunday, April 22, 2012

I did this layout for Shimelle's challenges from last weekend...

This was for Challenge #5 Inspiration Points from Wilna's layout.
I absolutely LOVE her style, love her use of lots of
light colors but they are always powerful...and tone-on-tone.
I had bookmarked this layout before Shimelle's challenge
and was very excited to use it for an inspiration point.
She always has cool embellishments but the photos
are front and center!  I love that combination!!

Although this layout and the next are very different they are
both about family & being together with generations that have
created us and in turn our children...which essentially sums up
why I scrapbook...I think of it as a graphic, usually busy,
chaotic genealogy "chart"...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

grins & GUMS

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I found this photo in my belated attempt at Spring cleaning...
It was taken in front of the house I grew up in and lived
for 18 years...when I was almost 7 years old...when I had
literally lost 5 or 6 teeth all at once.  I was nothing but a
mouth full of gums...

The color photo is the 1979 original and the black and white
was scanned in and altered in photoshop.  I thought the kraft
paper and muslin fabric tags leant to the retro feel.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

gutter b a l l ...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I finally got down and dirty with my Scrapbook Circle April kit...
there are so many cool innovative products coming out...too much
cool stuff and not enough hours in the day!!  Oh well, might need
a book on time management! ;)
I used the April Scrapbook Circle Sketch and  combined it with the color combo
challenge on Two Peas/Shimelle's website ( )

Anyway, we took the kids bowling last year for the first time and
it was so much fun!  They had a ball and we hadn't been bowling
since right after if the soreness in my arm wasn't an indication...
Sam couldn't throw the ball very far and in the end resorted to
the "granny roll" which honestly works pretty well!  However,
I took Sofia to the bathroom and back in the time his ball was still
traveling down the lane!!  Good times...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

i am so waaaaaayyyyy behind but....

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I finally took the plunge and got an iPhone. 
I felt like I was cheating on my Blackberry which
I was very happy with but it kept locking up like a computer
that needed defragmenting. 
So, I did it and I don't feel like a cheater anymore :)
It is SO cool....I realize the rest of the world
knows this already but instagram is supercool!
I found this photo on Pinterest and thought it was hilarious...

Pinned Image


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Eventually I want to do an entire scrapbook or minibook about
our honeymoon to Greece.  All of the pictures are printed and
so they need to be scanned in.  I know I still have the negatives and they
are labeled and organized by city & if I could only
remember where I organized them to...

Anyway, this is from a beach trip we took while we were staying in Oia.
We drove out to find as secluded an are to have a little beach picnic and
sunshine to ourselves.  We thought we had found the perfect place!
The beaches there are so different from the white sand in the
Gulf of Mexico that we are so accustomed to seeing...It is basically
all volcanic rock and so it is dark grayish/black and not super
comfy to walk along barefoot...

Still, it seemed deserted...then we heard some voices from farther
down the beach.  There were lots of large rock outcroppings and
after we had a glass of wine that we brought, a very naked
woman ran out from behind the rocks and ran into the water...
We were stunned.  We had found a nude beach...well, nude
except for the sandals that we saw walking past attached to very
naked people...oy.

It was still beautiful and a fun day that unfortunately got Shawn sunburned,
at least for the 8 hours it took to turn into a dark tan that made him look Greek himself.

A sweet dog, not naked, he had a collar, came up to us and we loved on it and played
with him for a bit to ease our puppy cravings from missing Scarpa.

Monday, April 9, 2012

hello sunshine...

Monday, April 9, 2012

I just love the die cut sheets from Jillibean Soup
and used one as the center piece for this layout
and embellishments...

It says:
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a Butterfly"...

I have a feeling this will be even more pertinent
in the puberty years, but still...

Friday, April 6, 2012

sometimes...the f i r s t one is the best...

Friday, April 6, 2012

You would think a good photo would take a couple warm up shots...
I know that the attention span of an 8yr. old & 5yr. old are not
the longest, but these little people are always ready to pose and
will be very patient.

However, the first shot always seems to be the best, the following
shots get sillier and goofier.
With everything being digital, the fun is to see the silliness ASAP!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

same wish...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Every year I try to do a scrapbook page or other piece highlighting things
I think about at that age...from what is most important to the silly simple
things that make me smile...

And every one always includes that I wish there were an extra 3 or 4 hours in the day.
Just a few more to do some things that I never feel get done or read, or shared.
I guess I need to learn instead that I should make the most of the hours I do have...
not waste a minute.
I pinned this a while ago and it makes me feel a little better about spending so
much time on my hobbies that might be trivial in the grand scheme of things.

:: QUOTES :: simply love what you love #quotes

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