
Monday, May 28, 2012

Bliss L O V E

Monday, May 28, 2012

I have been collecting photos of all the flowers Shawn brings me,
mostly "just because" and some Mother's day or "the kids are driving
you crazy" day...

I wanted to do a layout documenting some of these and our
11th anniversary seemed like a good opportunity.
I also used the colors inspired by the
Challenge #4 which was based on a beautiful bowl of cherries. 

I remember being a kid and thinking that the two colors that
clashed together the most were red & pink...It literally made
me cringe to see them side by side.   No longer...
Red, pink, orange...I love them all!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

big & fluffy!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Last Spring break we had a little outdoor cookout on the firepit
and made s'mores for the kids...ok, and us too...yum.

The Publix brand large marshmallows are called "Big & Fluffy" 
and I thought it was the perfect name for this page...
My daughter had suggested that I use the bag for the title,
which I thought was pretty clever. 

Naturally, my finicky son had to eat his s'more deconstructed...


Wednesday, May 23, 2012

thru your eyes...SHINE

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My daughter was outside swinging before school one morning,
which shows you how much she loves swinging to be up and out so early.
I loved this photo because of the lighting and because it was like
seeing things from her perspective, thru your eyes...

I was also trying to come up with something for the MME May challenge
which was to switch up color I used a couple papers from
an older Lost & Found Boy collection and some of the more masculine woodgrains
and patterns from the Miss Caroline & Indie Chic collections. 

I have had this viewfinder shape in my Silhouette file and thought this was
a perfect opportunity to use it to go with my theme and title.

I had loved a layout by Marcy Penner where she machine stitched
around a cluster of photos centered in the page.  Mine is a lot
busier than hers, { sometimes I have a hard time telling myself
that less is design I totally agree, in scrapbooking,
well, there are just too many cool embellishments!! } but
that is the general idea...My son said it looked like Jupiter rings,
he is obsessed with space at the moment, so I thought I should
include the wood veneer stars from Studio Calico that are awesome!

Monday, May 21, 2012


Monday, May 21, 2012

I love this stamp from Lawn Fawn that I have used on
multiple layouts but I have always used it to make it look
like an authentic Polaroid print...

I wanted to scrapbook this series of photos of my daughter in
the first dress I made her.  The dress has a very small pattern on
it and the pictures are pretty monochromatic so I thought it would be
 the perfect opportunity to use lots of pattern and vibrant color. 

I used a mix of the current May Scrapbook
circle kit & bits and pieces of previous kits. 
I am loving this yellow chevron washi tape!

I also thought it was a little ironic that the text under the photo of
my daughter laying down said "celebrate"...she looks anything but.
I wanted to have some subtitles without taking away from any other
patterns so I heat embossed some stamping from one of Ali Edwards sets.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

believe in YOUrSelf

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Two Peas had a really cool challenge for NSD to come up with your own
color challenge from items in your home.  I had so much fun picking out
basically my favorite colors and things around me! 

I also combined this color challenge with a sketch challenge
from  to use 4 or more photos. 
I took their sketch (#74) and flipped it on its side to better fit my photos. 

Here is the direct link to their blog post:

I have been really digging into my old photos of the kids because they
seem to be growing and changing so much in last few months. 
Obviously, kids change as they grow but with Mother's Day I have been
really getting nostalgic and a little sad that there are no more little ones around. 
Just big kids with big personalities! {i.e. attitudes!!}

Mother's Day Cards...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I did three quick Mother's Day Cards from the scraps on my desk...

Other than the cards themselves and the stamp everything else was
literally in my scrap pile from other projects or papers I couldn't
bear to throw away even the tiniest piece of...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

t r e a s u r e....Mother's Day

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

NSD has been such a productive and inspiring weekend (/week)!
I have tried so many things I had bookmarked or sketched out or
photos printed of...I didn't get piles accomplished in terms of actual
layouts but lots in personal growth and self-improvement!

I did this layout after saving the tutorial that Marcy Penner did
about paper piecing chevrons and honestly, the chevrons were the
easy part...the sewing was a giant pain in the bootay.

I had pinned this print/quote on Pinterest that I tried really hard to
find the original info for potential copyright reasons...but never did. 

Anyway, I loved it and I thought of this photo and broke into tears.
We were in the hospital with my Dad for my first Mother's Day and
it was honestly a horrible first Mother's Day.  We had just found out that
the cancer had metastasized and was everywhere...EVERYWHERE.
It hard to think it has been eight years since then and so much has happened. 
Sam looks so much like him it is kind of freaky and I wouldn't have it
any other way.  He totally has captured my heart and I pray that I raise
him to be as wonderful a husband and father as Shawn is...

Monday, May 7, 2012

May Scrapbook Circle Kit!

Monday, May 7, 2012

I love the new kit from Scrapbook Circle...I think it is my favorite to date.
The colors are wonderful...this layout from my daughter's 7th birthday used
almost all SC kits, not all May but past kits as well...

I have been trying to scrap her birthday for over a year and
couldn't figure out how to do it...I had lots of photos but
no single shots that would work to tell the story.

I had seen people on Pinterest doing photostrips of Instagram
photos and I made a template in photoshop to basically
do the same thing, only cropping the digital photos I had
to cover a lot of little pieces of the party.

One of my favorite things designers are doing these days is
to use the branding strip at the bottom of patterned papers as an
opportunity to add a different pattern.  Amy Tangerine's collections
have the best ones and I have used those more than the papers so far!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

NSD!! what a great holiday!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I have gotten more done than usual on the weekend...
of course, I had to cash in a much needed
endoftheyearcrazytownbreakandMother'sDayisnextweekend coupon
from my husband, BUT I did get a lot done!!  Yay! 
Anyway, I did a few layouts for the Two Peas NSD Challenges!

This was just something I had started and didn't like
where it was going and finally forced myself to finish...

I used several new things from the May Scrapbook Circle kit for
this layout of my daughter at 1 year and 7 years...
I love the doily mask from Christy Tomlinson! 
This was for the Garden Girl Morph Challenge on Two Peas.

Finally, I did this last layout for NSD Challenge # 7 at
Two Peas to use a "Polaroid" for a layout...

I have the Lawn Fawn Polaroid stamp which is a favorite
but I wanted to do something different for this so
I used the Heidi Swapp Polaroid frames for my title &
journaling and had the photo between the two.
Such a fun, inspiring, productive day...whew...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

RULE no. 1 . . . don't b l i n k

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I did this layout for the Color Me Scrappy Challenge #3 on their blog. 

I just happened to LOVE all the colors that were to be used in this combination...
some of my favorite papers!

Here is the link to the challenge post:

I have been collecting photos of the kids & grouping them to scrap
a lot of "in comparison" layouts, from them separate & together.
My mom says that even though babies change dramatically their
eyes never change, maybe the color, since most babies have blue eyes,
but that the shape and look doesn't change. 
I am not sure if that is true but Sam's eyes seem to get more and
more beautiful every day.  He has the longest eyelashes I have
ever seen on a boy or man...every girl who buys mascara will envy him!

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