
Friday, June 8, 2012

summer Smiles

Friday, June 8, 2012

I have been taking Amy Heller's workshop on Two Peas...Through the Kaleidoscope.
I took color theory & composition classes in school but it wasn't in application to
scrapbooking so I really have forgotten the concepts and theories behind it all.
It has been a great refresher and learned lots of new things...

Like all the workshops and challenges, it pushes me out of my comfort zone,
at least a little...I love the color purple {no pun intended :)}but I never
really use it in is a hard one to overcome.

Anyway, in this LO I used the Secondary colors in a muted tint and I
combined it with the Weekly Challenge on 2Ps to scraplift a fellow Pea.
This LO is based on one from member "piradee"...her page had a lot more depth
than mine did, but I was happy to use her inspiration...thank you piradee!

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