
Monday, July 16, 2012

but Mom...

Monday, July 16, 2012

I had these photos from a few years ago but still remember
the whining that ensued on our departure...
We gave this "Harley" big wheel to our godson but it
was our son that wouldn't get off of it.  

We used to try preparing the kids for the fact that eventually
the party would end and we would have to leave. 
Sometimes that seemed to help plant the idea and give the kiddos
time to prepare.  Other times, i.e. usually, it just didn't matter,
there was a screaming kid under my arm as we left the
party, playdate, park, etc.

I used a sketch from Scrapbook Circle's July Sketch, as well
as their July kit, Sunshine Day, which is my favorite to date!
Here is their sketch: 

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