
Monday, July 9, 2012

Little Black Dress Kit Club - July (part 4)

Monday, July 9, 2012

This is the one layout that doesn't have any relation to music
or specific lyrics or anything...couldn't think of anything to work.

In early Spring, this year, the kids were really into taking their
lap desks outside to color or draw.  Sofia decided this day to
draw and color the irises.  Shawn documents the event from all angles
on his phone including the fact that usually Sam just wants
to watch his big matter what she is doing.  Eventually he
wants to participate but he loves just be next to her and watch.
Which works out good for everyone since she loves to be watched,
except when she doesn't, she is a fickle 8 year old after all.

The kit had so many great patterns and colors that in honor of the garden, I
decided to just throw a many on a page as possible and see what happened.
Not my favorite LO, but there is lots to look at!

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