
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

fourth of July...LBD August Kit

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We have a little problem using pretty much only our phones to
document anything these days...And as a lover of symmetry,
I love the proportion of all the instagram shots!
Shawn somehow managed to get all four cousins
looking at the camera at the same time, which honestly
has only happened maybe two other times!!
I don't care if there are silly faces or looks that personify
trouble, ahem...but everyone looked at the camera!
Or phone, whatever, anyway, this was our
small Fourth of July celebration!

I used some of those great primaries from the kit and
my silhouette to cut this shape, that I have used for a sun
before, but used as a firework burst.  Lots of Silhouette
die cuts, layering and pop dots, my favorites!

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