
Sunday, August 19, 2012

HELLO my name is...sugar

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sam and I had lunch with the neighbors at the park last Fall
and Marianna bought these fabulously huge, full of icing and sugar
cookies for the kids.  Their little hands were barely big enough to
hold and Sam complained about them being really hard to eat...
He managed though.  Talk about a sugar rush!
I had to include the speech bubbles because that is totally
what I could here them saying to each other! :)

I used the Scrapbook Circle August Kit "True Stories" for this
layout and also used their August sketch found here:

I tried to make it more grungy and distressed since I was using that
great woodgrain paper and that little denim patch.  I also left a lot
of my threads hanging out on the front to make it look more distressed.
That is really hard for me to do, seems silly, but I am more of a tie everything
down neatly and keep everything clean and glued down. 
I misted the leaves I die cut to try to match the green of the park benches.

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