
Monday, August 27, 2012

sweet tooth...My Mind's Eye

Monday, August 27, 2012

Sofia had to have two of her bottom teeth extracted the Thursday
afternoon before school started, the next morning she got braces.
It was a whole lot of activity for an 8 year old within a span
of less than 18 hours.  So, knowing that we were in for possibly
a few days of liquid diets and sore teeth and attitudes, I gave
her a peace offering in the form of her "last supper", or lunch as it was.
She wanted to go to IHop...goodness, with the IHop.
You would think it was the most renowned restaurant in the country.
Their new specialized pancakes took up their own special menu,
which featured this crazy red velvet pancake...personally I am not
sure it should be allowed and if she wasn't a child her cholesterol and
carb levels would be thru the roof...however, you only get one first trip to IHop.
I had to take a before photo to email to Shawn so he could see the ridiculousness
which I had subjected myself to...then I had to get an after photo because she
wanted to keep eating but I really thought she might be sick.
Ironically, I made the kids walk around Hobby Lobby afterwards so I
could get adhesive and I honestly didn't think they would make it.
I thought with all the sugar, they would be bouncing off the wall but
Sam could hardly keep his eyes open on the way home.

I did this LO with the MME August Challenge #2 in mind that linked here:
It is to use Holiday papers of some sort to scrap a non-holiday page.
I had just been delivered the new "All is Bright" collection which is fantastic!
And the reds in it are a perfect red velvet color!

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