
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

ALL GROWN UP...Little Black Dress Kit September

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I CANNOT believe it is here...already. 
My baby started Kindergarten....How can that be??
He seem so little compared to how my daughter seemed for Kindergarten.
I don't think that looking back at the photos, but it is just crazy.

Someone else spends more time with him than I do or will, ever, again...sniff.

On a brighter note, it is great that after having already been through
all of the excitement and nervousness and preparation once, we are 
like seasoned veterans...We know where to go and when, know the teacher
and some parents of older that makes all of this easier to take.

Everything I used for this LO is from the September Kit from LBD and one 
of my favorite things they do is to throw in some random, retro or vintage
pieces of ribbon or book paper, or in this month's case, a Dr. Seuss
Red Fish, Blue Fish card, which I promptly cut up so I could use the bright 
colors as inspiration and spread them out all over the page.  

It was perfect for this day and matched the flowers Sam brought for his teacher!

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