
Friday, September 14, 2012

ikea...STEP 1

Friday, September 14, 2012

I used the Lily Bee Monday Sketch Challenge from September 3rd
for this LO about our last adventure to Ikea!
Here is the link to their post:

In moving my craft room from our, let's face it storm shelter, 
into the adjoining room which served as our office...we made a big
trip to Ikea in Atlanta to buy file drawers, a table top and the 
seemingly obligatory "Expedit" wall shelves!  I had planned out what
I needed, or thought I needed, got my in-laws to watch our kids for 
the day and we drove forth to conquer.  No matter how many
times we go to Ikea, I am still overwhelmed...I still never see everything 
I want to and yet, we still leave buying more stuff than intended.
At any rate, it is such a deal, and for the $, good quality...

I couldn't wait to get started and had moved everything out into giant
piles in the hallway, insuing more chaos that usual.  I started opening the 
boxes and putting things together, not wanting to wait until my husband
could help, and began the process of sorting out ALL the pieces.
For everything we bought there were only a couple missing, which is a record for us!

I thought it would be funny to use these gears I die-cut with my Cameo and
make the confetti seem like it was flying out from the photo.  And I used the vellum
underneath the patterend paper, to symbolize the packaging we had everywhere!

I still have a long way to go, and it seems like Scrapbookers are in a constant state 
or organizing and reorganizing...Gotta find a place to store all the new goodies!! :)

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