
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

summer blues?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This was for the the Studio Calico Sunday Sketch from 09/16:

The first day of school the kids got coupons to the candy shoppe 
that just happens to be their obsession right now.  Called "Sugar", they 
have every kind of candy you can imagine as well as about 40 flavors of
shaved ice...the syrups are on these back lit shelves are are like a modern
stained glass confection!  Beautiful alone, but with ice and sugar...mmm.
Crack for kiddos...The only problem is trying to decide which flavor to pick!
Sofia usually always goes for cotton candy or blue raspberry...Sam always
chooses something different and this day it was "Tiger's Blood"...?
Don't know about the title, but it tasted good...

I have been trying to clear out space for new products, ahem!, and 
these colors were just too bright and summery for anything fall-ish!

I used up a lot of my scraps from the August Scrapbook Circle Kit.
Perfect for this layout!  I had tried this technique before, but was re-inspired
after Ania-Maria's tutorial on her blog & Lily Bee's website.

It is a great way to use up little pieces to make a big impact.  
I think a whole page of these colors would be too much but as a 
background peeking out, it was just enough...

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