
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Dec 25...Scrapbook Circle Sketch Challenge

Saturday, December 22, 2012

I have loved being the Guest Designer for Scrapbook Circle this month.  
Despite all the busyness and craziness that occurs this time of year, I got so much accomplished! 
I made SIX layouts with the December Kit and still have enough for at least two more!  

Also, I have been so behind documenting some of our past Christmas
photos that I have put at least a starting dent in my pile.

Although this LO was not for my official GDT work, 
it was the for December Sketch Challenge and from their blog and 
I had already printed this photo for possible use.  
The sketch was perfect for a messy pile of papers stacked up as a photo mat too.  

Here is the link to their Challenge post:

The tint from the photo does look a little off and I tried to change it a bit, 
but the original photo had a very pink hue.
We have a white tree and Sam had a cold so his nose was red and swollen...

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