
Monday, December 17, 2012

my top 5...My Mind's Eye

Monday, December 17, 2012

The December Challenge at My Mind's Eye is to scrap a wish list...
That is easy, but after spending the weekend alternating between wanting 
to hear about the tragedy in Connecticut, (only when my kids weren't around)
to not being able to hear anything else about not just it, but the news in general.

It was so upsetting that I wanted to go pick my children up from 
school immediately and start home schooling...
of course, that wouldn't solve the fact that our world is full of violence.  
Living in a bubble wouldn't change that.

Here is the MME blog post:

But it feels kinda silly for me to drivel on about papers and glitter...
so I'll just say that not only are the families of those killed in that horrific
tragedy on my prayer wish list, but I wish for the other children, 
teachers & really everyone in that town to be able to find a way to 
move forward and heal themselves, together...

The point is, after Friday, my wish list got paired down pretty easily.
My family and their health and happiness is really my only wish.

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