
Sunday, December 9, 2012

'twas the night before Christmas...Elle's Studio!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This is one of those photos that I will want to scrapbook multiple
times.  It was right after we brought Sam home form the hospital,
on Christmas Eve...almost a month before he was scheduled to arrive.
And anyone that know me, knows I am all about the schedule
and planning, and this was definitely NOT planned! 

But, he wanted to come, albeit, not naturally, that is another story,
and so he arrived as our most wonderful Christmas gift...a true miracle.
And Sofia, like all of us, was mesmerized.  We had worried about her
being jealous or feeling slighted, especially considering his early arrival,
but she was the perfect big sister, doting, helpful and unequivocally smitten.

Although these photos were on my stack TBS (to be scrapped),
the new Elle's Studio products I got (thank you VERY much),
and the fact that I had two different sized photos already printed,
perfect for their sketch were serendipitous for their Thursday Sketch:

1 comment:

  1. Your layout is beautiful, I especially love the snowflakes layered under the photos. What a sweet moment to capture too. x


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