
Friday, January 4, 2013

** Big, Big, BIG News! **

Friday, January 4, 2013

Whew, it has finally arrived!
I can share this news with everyone...
I am so excited, proud and honored to be a part of the
new Design Team for Elle's Studio!!

**  ( since I don't have my Happy Dance on video, and you might
not want to see it if I did, you can watch my crazy son's version...
it always makes me happy!! )  **

This is such an exciting way to start the new year and I am
anxious to share all the wonderful new things that Elle and all 
the new DT members have in store for the next 6 months, 
oh, yeah, and myself of course ;)

Be on the lookout, there are some exciting things on the horizon and 
I get to be a part of them!  Check out this link to the announcement post 
and all the other really talented woman that I get to work with...

Not quite sure how I lucked out and got to be included, these ladies are very inspiring!  
Check out their blogs too!!

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