
Sunday, February 10, 2013

MORE L O V E + Video!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

This is my entry for the My Mind's Eye/Gossamer Blue Guest DT Challenge.
I used mostly 'The Sweetest Thing' collection from MME, a little of the 
'Lost & Found Oliver' collection and a couple other tidbits from 
Freckled Fawn and American Crafts.
You can check out the link to the Challenge HERE.

This photo has been on my list to scrap, but my son's eyes looked really
demonic, freaky, so after multiple failed attempts at correction,
I finally gave in, decided it would look better in b&w and make it
pop with a palette of cool aqua blues and some gold...

I have said it before, I am not a blingy person...
I think if I say that 3 times while looking in the mirror, I will become a blingy person!!
Crazy!  (So...I like bling...and...?)

I also love to mix up manufacturer's, colors, old products with new,
but there is something to be said for working with a collection that is
designed to work in it saves a lot of time but knowing everything
blends and matches and looks great, even crossing collections...

See how that worked out for me in my process VIDEO!

Well, unless you are a super anal retentive person who can sometimes
masquerade as "Indecisive Girl"...yeah, so all things considered I should 
have whipped thru this LO in 40 minutes...that was my goal!!
I told my husband that (as he left to take the kids for a scooter ride) 
and his response was "good luck with that"...ugh...hate it when he's right!!

I wasn't too terribly off time wise, considering I just drew up a sketch and went for it, 
the only thing already done really was that I had printed the photo and knew I wanted
to use my stack of My Mind's Eye The Sweetest Thing...

The mail person had JUST brought a pretty little package from Freckled Fawn
with those cool camera clips and the camera washi, I just had to use it!!  

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