
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday Night Special ** MORE Elle's Studio!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The is the third project I did as a new DT Member with Elle's Studio.
I used both of the new collections, a little from "You & Me" but mostly from 
the "Day to Day" collection that is full of bright reds, yellows an lots of kraft.  
See all the products I used in more detail HERE!

I normally don't go for a lot of the papers that have pieces already printed on them, 
as part of the design of the patterned paper, because I feel like it is cheating a little...
I feel similar about digital scrapbooking, but I think that is because I am honestly, 
just intimidated...I could never do it, but have great admiration for those who do!

However, I did like it here because it was a great jumping off point and 
inspired the rest of the layout.  It went perfectly with the colors in the photo,
which again, I don't always try to match to the paper...(I sound picky!)
I kind of think of it like that show "What Not To Wear", which I used to love, 
where their mantra is:
"It doesn't have to match, it just has to GO"...(go where?)

Sorry, I am feeling a bit snarky today...not enough sleep or caffeine :)

The stars and ticket punched edges in the pattern of the paper, as well as the 
large journaling tag at the bottom, inspired me to cut out some star 
punched tickets on the Silhouette.  The little red, yellow & blue chevron arrows
on the remember tag made me cut out other similar arrows for the other tags.
Obviously, the colors of the photo really helped me with the papers,
but I cannot remember wearing that shade of red lipstick...ever. (Like ever.)

The new stamp sets are great too because they have lots of small words
or phrases that are the perfect size to fit at the top of a tab or file tab...

I have been going back thru old photos from college, yes OLD photos,
and scanning them in for a digital copy as well as to scrapbook.
I love scrapbooking my children and our everyday life but at the same
time, it is kind of nice to look back and remember the life I had
had got into the "real" world, full of responsibilities like a job, 
then a mortgage, bills, dog, husband, children, more bills, etc!

SO the story behind the photo is that my bestie and I used to go out
EVERY Thursday night to the only "urban" dance club that my 
small town, much less urban University had...
We didn't go to drink (I was 20 in that photo, yikes!), we didn't go to flirt 
or mix or mingle, we went to dance and blow off steam from the constant 
barrage of work that takes over your life in Architecture school.

It was so much fun and definitely a memory worthy of recording!
Now, that I am looking at the date I realize that it was over 21 years ago...ugh.

OK, gotta go pick up kids from school and karate and go to 
the store cook dinner and again with the responsibilities!! :)
Thanks for sticking with me thru this snarky post...

I think I am going to start typing everything I want to say, 
or am really thinking in italics, in case you didn't get that...


  1. LOVE this page! The stars across the top are fantastic and the colors you chose compliment your pic perfectly! Congrats on your DT position w/ Elle's Studio, well deserved!!


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