
Thursday, March 28, 2013

cherry...& Process VIDEO (on the clock! March)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

So, I decided I am going to do a little monthly series called "On The Clock!"
where I time myself while doing a Start to Finish video to see how short
of a time I can do a Scrapbook layout!  
Here is the first one, at the end of the month, but still...
My daughter has been trying to get me to do this, mostly because I think
she wanted to fool around with my phone! ;)

I used primarily the March Scrapbook Circle kit, part of which included 
these pink feather from Bella Blvd. and are part of their current challenge HERE.
I also used an awesome sketch from Scrapfriends you can see HERE.

Here is the YouTube video which is a quick one, not real time since the page
took me 49 minutes, which actually is pretty fast for me!

This photo is of a cherry tree we planted in our backyard either 3 or 4 years ago.
I kept thinking it was 3 but I just realized we have been in our house for almost 6 years!
Man, time is flying past!!  Anyway, it is special because we planted it 
with my Mom on the day my Dad died (which will be 9 years in June)...
as a memorial to him...Every Spring when it starts to bloom , we take a photo
of my Mom with the kids in front of the tree and it is already neat to
see the growth in all of them, well the kids and the tree...not you Mom ;)

Not that is feels anything like Spring here now, but I took this photo of some of the 
first opened blooms on St. Patrick's Day...I need to document a page of those 
photos in a series!  Something else for my ever growing "to be scrapped" list!


  1. Love everything about this page Jenni!! The feathers look awesome and I love the way you misted and scattered the wood veneer Asteriks!!

  2. The starts look like falling petals, so beautiful.


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