
Friday, March 1, 2013

Elle's Studio * March DT Reveal - this is a day to CELEBRATE

Friday, March 1, 2013

The first of the projects I did for the March DT Inspiration Gallery at Elle's Studio!
One of my most favorite things about all the papers and tags has to be the colors.
I had been on the aqua train for a while, but the combination of these hues
with the brighter pinks and grey and kraft as neutrals is just dreamy to me!
(Especially coming out of winter!  Sooooo ready for Spring!)

You can see all the products used for this page in particular HERE.
And check out all the other DT projects HERE...such a wonderful variation of ideas!
Elle's Studio is now sold at Two Peas,
A Cherry on Top as well as on their site...not to be too much of an enabler!

I have been loving using doilies lately and misted the background to include
mask that is very similarly shaped...

This was a special day, for my Mom, my son & myself, unfortunately my daughter
and husband couldn't be there this year.  We walked in the Race for the Cure
and Sam had a ball...still wears his shirt!  Mostly to sleep in, not because 
he thinks it is too girly, but because we are boycotting p.j.'s right now.

He didn't really understand what the Race was all about or even really why we
were doing it, but he loves his GiGi and if it meant being with her, 
the rest didn't matter.
Which pretty much sums up everything about this LO!

Thanks for looking and be on the lookout for more of my
DT Gallery projects
later today!

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