
Saturday, March 2, 2013

choose HAPPY * Little Black Dress March Kit Early Post + Video!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

This has been a serious day of DT Gallery sneak and debuts and lots of posts!
I guess I could lump them all into one post, but I prefer to give each project 
their own little spotlight...after all, I spent some quality time with them in their 
beginning stages, I feel it is only fair!  

The March kit has so many lovely papers in it, a good mix of Spring like 
colors but some muted things since we aren't quite out of the Winter woods yet...
I adore the Studio Calico chevron vellum included and already had one piece,
secretly being hoarded, so I was super excited it was in the kit...
I used it in almost every LO, but in this one as clouds punched out and 
as an embossed cloud with some fabulous new Glitz stamps!!
And speaking of Glitz, they are on the chalkboard trend too with a wonderful black paper 
& cool scroll title on one side and  a lovely soft, completely contrasting pattern on the back.
Check out the rest of the kit items in detail and the blog with more inspiration HERE!

AND I did a Start to Finish Video of the entire process featuring my 
lovely Southern accent and several well placed "ums"!
You can check it out here, or on the LBD YouTube channel, or my YouTube channel!

Also, these are the last projects for my DT term with Little Black Dress
and I really wanted to focus a little on each project as a reflection of the
past 9 months...that may be stretching it a bit at this time of night, considering
how much sleep I have had in the last few days...I mean, I know I am
a chronic insomniac, but even they need some sleep before insanity sets in...
( wonder if my children know that...? )

There are also some of the new Studio Calico wood veneers that are label tags, 
or banners with different phrases or words on them...All in all a super cool kit 
and since this is an early post I have already given too much away!!
My son certainly has his moments, especially this week!!  
Did I mention I was SO glad it was Friday??

But in general, he has a really good attitude and is laid back and pretty easy going...
very unlike me.  He does have a temper, don't get me wrong!

Totally NOT from my side of the family (heh!) but really, if he falls he honestly
gets  up and brushes himself off...not really a whiner or needing  any babying,
band aids or much.  Well, not too much, and he is asleep,
which makes writing this so much more pleasant and reflective and easier.

Seriously, he is a happy kid and his smile, laugh and eyes are absolutely contagious...
they are magnetic and charming and lovely.

Thanks for stopping by, especially after this multi-posting day!
It is now almost March Happy Saturday!

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