
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Elle's Thursday Sketch and Card...

Saturday, April 13, 2013

I realize it is Saturday but time has gotten away with me...
I think it left with the storms the other night...I wish it had left with the pollen.
I love Spring, it is my favorite time of year, but here in the South, it means yellow fog for weeks!

Anyway, pollen aside, I wanted to encourage everyone to check out the 
Thursday Sketch at Elle's Studio this week!  
You can check it out HERE and if that isn't enough motivation there is 
a $10 gift certificate which could buy the Serendipity Vellum/tag set, 
which are still available and AWESOME!  I think I might shed a couple tears if I cut into mine...
which I plan on doing today!  Gotta work up to it! ;)  
And the new Serendipity stamps are super cute...especially gold embossed...just sayin'!

Also, I meant to share my card I did for the April DT Inspiration Gallery

I used the Serendipity collection for this and I actually made it for my
aunt-in-law who is very ill, as a get well, we are thinking of you card.
But it could be a lovey card or birthday!?  

Thanks for stopping by and come back Monday for an exciting post!
I have been working on a special project I am excited to share!
Happy weekend!

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