
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

TODAY is your day.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I have had this picture for months on my board of photos to scrap!
It is such a vibrant photo, I couldn't decide whether it should stand alone
or be with like is REALLY hard for me to let things stand alone these days.

I think the most powerful architectural, or not, quote EVER is "Less is More"...
except when it comes to Scrapbooking..or really, more likely when it comes to MY Scrapbooking.

And that's ok!  I know my style and am comfortable in it...
I don't want to do something I don't feel like I could look back at and think,
uh, was I missing some embellishments or tags that day??  Kidding.

 Anyway, the point is, that I finally decided not to try to make a big deal out of it.
It is a fantastic photo, a super fun day with my son and a good friend enjoying
the school fundraiser as Kindergartners on a beautiful day...

And seriously, they are gorgeous children....but it isn't a photo that I am trying
to make a statement other than as a record of how my son looked forward to
this day after attending his big sister's fundraiser events, and what a fun time they had!
I didn't think throwing in lots of color would be over competition for this "fun" photo!

 So, I used the color combo Challenge from
which is lots of vibrant bright colors and went for it!
You can see their post for the challenge HERE 
and the cool flair badge that I used from The Paper Bakery, 
which went perfectly with this paper from Studio Calico, by the way HERE!  

Thanks for checking it out!
New official post in the morning as a DT member at Love My Tapes!!
Nighty, night!


  1. I am loving this page Jenni!!! And congrats on the new venture with LMT :)

    1. Hey thanks! I love the Instagram badges...and I "suggested" maybe making an entire set of just the Instagram image itself...just a thought! I would use the doodoo out of it :)

  2. Go you! I'm with the OTT rather than UTT scrapping...although I Seriously Admire those Less is More Peeps to the point of I'm GLAD you've grown past that!!! I LOVE it all...especially your round photo tag with those vibrant green/blue hues...totally glad to see you at SF again:):):)


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