
Friday, August 16, 2013

ALWAYS REMEMBER always DREAM **Color Me Scrappy Challenge #44**

Friday, August 16, 2013

My layout for the new Challenge at Color Me Scrappy!
This is my absolute favorite color challenge to date, anywhere...and I get to be on the DT for it!
Super excited about that...It is a beautiful palette and the photo invokes that soft, feminine ethereal image
in my head...and the other part of the Challenge is to use fabric, again reinforcing that image.

I knew I wanted to use this muslin fabric and stitch it to the page with a circle or heart or cut a heart
out of it, but had no idea about the rest of it...It was one of those pages that just came together
without much of a plan and really quickly, rare for me, I usually have to let things marinate for a while.
Ironically, it is the ones that happen on their own and more spontaneous that I love the most!

Everything on this project were pieces I had been hoarding for the right occasion.
That Elle's Studio "bookmark" tab being my most coveted piece.

I love the picture of the kids and because it is black and white it provides such a contrast that 
the colors don't compete, but the colors are so soft they obviously stand out against it.
I love that combination and liked the way it all came together!

This is a super busy time of year with everyone either getting back into the school 
routine or just shaking off the summer lazy, but we would love to see your 
projects shared on the BLOG!

This is the perfect color palette to end summer with...of course, I am in Alabama and summer 
technically lasts thru Halloween ;)  Except for that whole Global Warming thing!!

Thanks for stopping by and happy Friday!

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