
Thursday, August 1, 2013

enjoy 2DAY *Color-Me-Scrappy August Challenge Reveal!*

Thursday, August 1, 2013

This was an awesome color selection and sketch for the first challenge of August at Color Me Scrappy!
It screams summer, especially since the colors are of a inflated float, so I had to use a summer photo...
it was taken on one of the first days of this summer break!

Ironically, we have had such a rainy summer, there haven't been as many pool days as usual, 
but this was the first of the season and the kids were so excited to be there!

I used a combination of papers from Elle's Studio, Dear Lizzy and some Studio Calico vellum.
The background paper was actually a Color Magic piece from Heidi Swapp that I misted to
give it a more watery color blue-green.

You can see the rest of the DT inspiration and details about uploading your project to the challenge HERE.
And the Guest DT take is awesome as well!

Thanks for stopping by and Happy August!!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your fun take on this challenge! It is a perfect summer page!


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