
Monday, August 19, 2013

time spent alone...{ Inspired by Wilna's Art Class! }

Monday, August 19, 2013

I have been taking the Art Class from Wilna Furstenburg and it has been amazing freeing and inspiring!
If any of you know her work, I seriously "channeled my inner Wilna", as one YouTuber commented!  
I can't say enough good things about the class and even if I don't scrap like this all the time, 
it was so much fun and therapeutic and generated so many other inspiring ideas for my own work.

I finally am getting back into the groove of doing more videos and the one for this page
is below or you can find it on my YouTube Channel!

One thing that I loved about this page I did was to pull out lots of older products 
in my search for more butterflies!  
I kept finding things I had forgotten I had or had planned to use one day. 
Not that that is hard to do with the all the stuff in my craft room right now!

 One technique she did that I will definitely be using more is that she would watercolor 

or paint around a piece of embellishment, chipboard or whatever, and bring the colors
 from that piece out on to the page...I loved it here because it made me feel like the colors 
were literally jumping off to color the white space!

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully this provided some inspiration to try something new!
Happy Monday!


  1. This is gorgeous and I'd say you channeled your inner Wilna really well!! This page is amazing! I also love your blog too!

  2. Hey Jenni! Awesome layout! I really enjoyed watching your tutorial!!!!!! Thanks so much for sharing :)


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