
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

might as well JUMP! Color Me Scrappy Challenge #45

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Well, the end of summer is upon us...despite the weather in AL still being in the 90's.
This was our last fun trip to the lake before school started.

Sam never ceases to surprise me...
just when I think I can predict his reaction to something new or different, he does the opposite!
His sister is always ready to go, to try anything, to jump in head first!
He usually needs to warm up to the idea, maybe he is growing out of that though...

This LO is for the first Color Me Scrappy Challenge for September.  
It is a fun fall color scheme and the twist was the use the sketch shown below.
You can check out the details of the Challenge HERE and see the other takes
from the rest of the DT as well.

Just about everything from this layout came from the August Scrapbook Circle kit-
'Lets Go on an Adventure' and a few bits from older SBC kits.
I will use every last one of those Crate Paper frames that were part of the August Add-On!

A couple other pieces of 6x6 pads from Basic Grey and Amy Tan, some flair, washi, 
wood veneer and other pieces I found that matched the color scheme.  
That is one of the reasons I love this Challenge blog so much, it gives me am opportunity to find 
lots of uses of scraps and pieces I can't bear to part with my throwing out.  

Thanks for checking it out and be sure to stop by the Color Me Scrappy BLOG and share your project with us!

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