
Monday, September 9, 2013

WE believe in MAGIC...Scrap Our Stash Travel Challenge

Monday, September 9, 2013

The new Scrap Our Stash Challenge for September is up and this was my take for the challenge!

The challenge is to create a Travel Themed Layout and for the stash part you have to include
at least one of the following pre-made embellishments: airplane, train, bus, car, motorcycle, bike, or boat.
and you must also include a travel signage embellishment (Click HERE for examples of travel signage)

A little more than a year ago, we surprised our kids by taking them to Disney on a Thursday morning,
instead of going to my daughter's orthodontist appt. before school.  We are either really good at fooling them, 
or they were still totally asleep.  No one commented on the fact that it was so early that it was dark out,
or that Daddy was with us, and in jeans...when we drove past the Ortho's office, literally, my daughter 
asked what was up?  My husband said he needed to drop something off for work before we went 
and that is why it was so early...?  WHAT???  They totally bought it.  

We parked at the airport in the deck and still...nothing.  We finally gave them their official Disney
luggage tags and my son said, "oh, that's nice, thanks."  And my daughter started screaming!

So, I had planned on doing a special small scrapbook for just this trip to Disney and this would be the cover page for the album.  
Most everything from the LO came from the August Scrapbook Circle kit, appropriately called "Let's Go on an Adventure!"  
I absolutely love that geo tag stamp from Studio Calico that is in the Add-On kit. It looks great embossed too.

 I tucked some journaling on a little card inside the grey & white striped envelope from Fancy Pants.

That was my son's first plane ride and the first one my daughter can remember. 
They were so excited and shocked and couldn't believe we had everyone in on the surprise but them!
It was so much fun...we just might have to do it again!

Check out the challenge at the Scrap Our Stash Blog HERE and all the inspiration from the DT!
A new layout is posted every day until the next challenge reveal.
AND the prize is the "Detour" 12 x 12 Collection Kit from Bo Bunny!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Monday!

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