
Sunday, October 20, 2013

BLUE, but HAPPY - My Mind's Eye October Sketch Challenge

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I love My Mind's Eye and I love sketches...this sketch is by Ronda Palazzari, a favorite inspiration of mine!
So, this was one of those pages that came together on its own!  I used pieces from The Sweetest Thing, Follow Your Heart & the Find Your Wings and Fly collections.  As usual, different collections, but regardless work great of my favorite things about
My Mind's Eye.  The base colors of their papers and patterns have a commonality that works 
with all other MME products.

Ronda Palazzari MME October Sketch

We planted quite a few Morning Glory seeds in several places in our garden in the late Spring and they 
came up right away...and after they got going, they grew pretty fast.  Some of the ones in a pot didn't
make it, but the ones Sam planted next to the swing set really took off after finding something to grab
a hold of.  They were supposed to be blue but we had no idea because we went for weeks, months
even with no blooms...we joked about how they were such morning flowers, 
we completely missed the bud, bloom, everything.  But there was nothing.  

I did use a background stamp from Jillibean Soup that is the honeycomb pattern because it went 
with the theme and the 6x6 paper I used as well.  The layered stickers were great but I wanted to use 
them for my title so I pulled off the letters and replaces them with the dark grey alphas to spell out 'BLUE.'

Right about the time we were giving up...isn't that the way the best things in life work?...
the blooms started showing up, and they were ALL day blooms, not just in the morning and they
were EVERYWHERE!  They pretty much took over the playhouse part of the swing set.
Shawn cut them out of the adjacent tree and the kept right on climbing.  

I am sure they will seed themselves and we will have years of morning glories.
Just proving, all good things come to those who wait, no matter the wait.
A great lesson for our children, and ourselves for that matter!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out some of our Blues that are happy!

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