
Saturday, October 12, 2013

#cheeeeeeesy & new VIDEO!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

 This is a layout I did for this color challenge at the Scrapfriends Blog.
I love their challenges and especially their sketches, but these colors were so bright and so perfect for all the new products and some stash that have made their way into my scrap room...I have NO idea how that happened!

Anyway, you can check out their BLOG with this challenge and the current sketch challenge,
next on my to do list, or well, a little farther down than that...but still super inspiring!
I tried to revisit a series of videos I made, or started to make, where I timed myself to try to
finish a LO in 30-45 minutes.  Usually with a sketch, or some other starting point.
And this one started like that, but finished without any thought of time.
I started it late at night and you can see the process video below or click HERE for my YouTube channel.

I thought I could finish in about 35 minutes and when that time was up, I was tired and went to bed.
I finished up the next day and didn't time anything.  Probably in all, about 45-50 minutes, not sure.
At any rate, this was taken a week or so ago at a pizza place with a slice of the cheesiest pizza
ever, and the size of my daughter's head.  Since everything seems to be "hash tagged" these days, I though
that would make a clever title...probably would have used that hash tag if I had tweeted this!

My green is a little more green than the color in the palette that is really more chartreuse, but I think
it provides a good contrasting color with the pink.  I used gelatos for some of my stamping in the background
and I have never done that before.  I wasn't crazy about it at first, but the last stamp I did worked out okay.
I had planned for it to be like splats of marinara, but marinara isn't pink!  Loved that set of stamps though!

Thanks so much for checking the cheesy and have a great weekend!


  1. FUN LO - fab design & LOVING the layers! So glad you joined us at pages take a bit longer than that...unless I'm in a 'slapping it down' mood---which sometimes works, weirdly enough!!! Anyway, hope you get to the sketch one - be interested in what you come up with & thanks for joining us at SF:):):)

  2. Awesome page Jenni! Great job with the color palette and the layering! Loved the video too!

  3. Fabulous layers! Great title and use of the colours. Thank you for joining us at Scrap Friends!


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