
Monday, November 25, 2013

ME.RRY 2012 - My Mind's Eye Sketch Challenge

Monday, November 25, 2013

I have had these Instax pics on my board since they were taken last December.

When I saw Ronda Palazzari's Sketch from My Mind's Eye, I immediately knew that I needed to use them for this!  I thought this sketch would be perfect, a frame within a frame kind of look.

image from

I am one of those people that really needs to finish one holiday and celebration without getting into the 
next seems harder and harder to that these days.  It doesn't mean I won't think about the upcoming
holiday and prepare, I just need to have Halloween before talking Turkey (even if I don't eat it).
And I need to get Thanksgiving finished before breaking out the Christmas decorations...
It can be the next day!  Just not before...I will however scrapbook Christmas ANY time of year!

I made a giant Polaroid frame for my son's Christmas party and all the kids picked
either Santa hats or reindeer antlers to have their picture taken holding it.
They were so cute and had such a ball, I took it up to my daughter's 3rd grade class...
The frame got passed around to almost every other 3rd grade class too!
In fact, by the time we got home, the frame was beat up and I couldn't take anymore...

My Mind's Eye always makes wonderful Christmas collection...most of these are from
this years Vintage Christmas collection and some of the Mistletoe Magic.
Christmas paper + red glitter = Yes, Please!!

Have a great day and last week of November!  

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