
Thursday, April 3, 2014

**GIVEAWAY** - balance & Believe...Scrapbook Circle April Kit!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

This is such an exciting post!  I get to give away one of the new April kits from Scrapbook Circle!
It is called Bucket List and is FULL of so many gorgeous, richly colored papers that are bound to inspire.
I thought as my Giveaway I would make you work for it a little! :)  For my layout I wanted
to highlight some things in my personal "bucket list."  A combination Bucket List / New Year's
Resolution / Lentil sacrifice page to remind me of my hopes and goals for myself.

Soooooo...for the giveaway, you need to be a Follower!  If you aren't already, go the right
side bar and "Join Me," so you can get future posts and I can return the favor and give you love!
Next, comment on this post by giving an example of how you help bring balance to your
own life!  If you are a new follower, list that too, but I will select a winner from the comments
submitted and lucky person will get the fabulous April kit from Scrapbook Circle!

I did use the "Places To Go" Add-On for April which has these awesome gold arrows from Freckle Fawn!
I loved all the inspirational quotes and phrases in this Fancy Pants collection.  Not to get too symbolic,
but so many of these phrases were appropriate to inspire me to make this page about myself...

I also used the Scrapbook Circle stencil from the October kit to highlight a few clusters of die-cuts.
I tried to keep with that shape of divided circles...that led me to the pie chart.  I starting thinking
that maybe our lives are one big pie chart, and knowingly or not, we compartmentalize and
allocate pieces of our life into sections...I know I do!
So, again, my challenge to you...write a quick comment about how you help yourself  balance
your  life.  Scrapbooking, art, yoga, ice cream, silly movies, I want to know!  Comment
back here before April 6th 11:59pm!  I will announce the winner here a few days after that!
If you don't win the random drawing, never can get your own free stuff!  If you are
not a current subscriber, this is the prefect time...become a new sub now and you can choose a
previous kit to be sent along with the April kit for free!  The details are in the SBC Newsletter HERE!
Thanks for stopping by and DON'T FORGET to comment for your chance to win!!


  1. Ohhhh Jenni! Love this layout! Great pie chart, colors and love the quote!!
    Balance is something that I focus on everyday. When I "choose" to let go of the little things, I find more balance in my life. It really is amazing the difference it makes!
    Great giveaway! I love kits and the SC kits look like so much fun to play with.
    So generous of you!

  2. Love your layout! Fabulous design. I love the pie chart. Balance is something I'm have been heavily focusing in on lately. It can be touch. I leave myself notes and triggers around the house to remind myself to move toward a balanced life. Thanks for the chance to win. I've been a follower for quite some time.

  3. LOVE the layout! The colors, composition, everything, its beautiful! I have to tell you that I have not been able to find balance in my life lately - I have alot going on but I have found that taking a minute or two to take a few deep breaths helps. I love scrapbooking but haven't had the time. I'll have to work on that!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  4. OK, you know I follow...FABULOUS prize, btw....loooove your compartmentalized I dunno.....I just take a deep breath each morning & dive in! I do know I cannot live without my a/diary for everyday doings & b/calendar desk chart for all scrappy activities...or for that matter, my Scrappy Book, where I put all my challenges, DT committments etc I guess I manage by being super organised!! Organisation -> balance, in my case!!!!

  5. Such a cute page, Jenni!!! I love the pie chart and the stitching looks ah-mazing! I definitely balance my life with scrapbooking. Sometimes music is a getaway for me too. And taking a walk or drive on a pretty day is a great way to balance my life/ day... always makes it better! :) Thanks for the chance to win!!

  6. Your layout is stunning!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
    For me it is so hard to find balance these days...there is a lot on my plate!!! I try to take things one at a time and prioritize. Family always comes first but I try to find some time, at least once a month, to meet with my scrappy friends and enjoy some scrapbooking time with them (and a few glasses of wine!). That renergizes me! :)
    Thanks for the chance!

  7. When I get overwhelmed with life, I take a walk outside. Something about the fresh air and scenery just relaxes me and clears my head. I feel rejuvenated and ready to get back to my life with a new perspective. Thanks for sharing your layout and for the chance to win the kit!

  8. Awesome page Jenni! For me to maintain balance I take a lot of time out for "ME", try to see the positive side vs the negative side of things, as well as surround myself around positive and happy family and friends!
    Thanks for offering this wonderful giveaway!


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