
Friday, April 1, 2016

Scrapbook Circle - One Item Wonder March

Friday, April 1, 2016

Hi friends!  I know it is April, but today I am sharing one of my last posts for March, a One Item Wonder using the Maggie Holmes clear stickers from Crate Paper.  The March kit ‘Oh Happy Day’ is full of lots of colors, but because of the theme, I decided to stick with black, white and bright pink.
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I wanted to leave a pretty large area blank because I intended to use the stickers in combination with my own writing to do the journaling.  I love the current handwriting and calligraphy trend, especially combining script and block letters.
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After creating a strip on the right side for my photo and some embellishments, I added lots of watercolor onto the seam where all the papers met.
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I knew basically what I wanted to write, and the words and phrases from the sticker package helped jump start that thought as well!  I did write it down beforehand to try to plan out how much space I would need and how many of the stickers I would be using.  The theme of the sticker sheet was obviously perfect for a page about flowers from my Valentine!
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Part of me hated not hoarding the stickers and spreading them out, but at the same time, it was fun to make a big impact!  Thanks for stopping by the Blog today.

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