
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

SEEING RED - The Crafter's Workshop July 2016

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hi there friends!  Today, I am sharing summer on a page from an earlier post on The Crafter's Workshop!  Or at least, what lots of our summer Sundays look like.  I used 3 stencils, two 6×6 and a 12×12 version of one of the smaller ones.  I also made a process video you can find below!

The Crafter’s Workshop provided me with some product to create this project.  The opinions I share are solely my own.

You can click on the link below or find the process video HERE:

I wanted to document the Instagram photos my husband took of his tomato salad prep, step-by-step.  I thought this organized grid shaped stencil would be perfect for what I had in mind.

I used my Silhouette to cut a frame out of a 12×12 piece of cardstock with 9 squares cut out of it.  Using a couple scrap pieces of the negative cardstock and green tinted molding paste, I stenciled a few leaves.

I used a variety of Distress Ink, spray mists and molding pastes to create different patterns with that grid stencil, utilizing both the 12×12 and the smaller 6×6 in the same pattern.

I added the molding paste leaves and a couple stamps I punched out to add interest and dimension.  I also added some alpha stickers into the center square for my title.

I thought the repeated shapes in the stencil went well with the elements in the salad and complimented the photos without taking away from the vibrant pictures.

Here is the final layout.  I added stitching in both a straight stitch and zigzag pattern randomly around the page.  I added a couple geometric cork pieces, a date stamp and description to finish it off!

Thanks so much for stopping by the Blog today!  Have an amazingly summery day, or wintery, depending on your locale...!

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