
Saturday, December 2, 2017

Be Kind - Art Journal - The Crafter's Workshop November 2017

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Hello friends!  Recently celebrating our Thanksgiving Holiday in the U.S., I felt the desire to create something in my art journal in recognition of that!  I also filmed the process which can find by clicking below or HERE.




With no real plan in mind for this art journal spread, except for a quote and a some paint colors picked out, I started laying down a base layer of gelatos, stenciled ink and paint.

I added another layer of Gesso over the central portion of the spread.

I used one of the 12x12 stencils of a girls face to trace the shape over the area.

Adding a combination of watercolor pencils, watercolor and acrylic paints I used the pencil lines as my guide.

I finished painting the girl and then covered the left side of her face with additional layers of media.

Adding more opaque areas of white paint, I wrote my quote and stamped a couple phrases.

I hope you enjoyed this spread as much as I enjoyed creating it!  Thanks for stopping by the Blog today and have an amazing week!

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