
Monday, October 29, 2018

together - introspective sappines (& start to finish video)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Hi guys and Happy Monday!  
Today I am sharing a scrapbook layout I created using lots of items I had been hoarding or hiding by accident.  I recently did a massive clean out of my craft room and came across so many of my favorite papers and embellishments.  I also came across lots of printed photos.  Some of these have been previously scrapped as single photos, but I loved seeing these all together.

To watch my process video, click below or HERE to go directly to my YouTube Channel


I also came across lots of printed photos.  Some of these have been scrapped before, mostly as single photos , but I loved seeing them all together.  This layout was inspired solely by the need to see my children's faces together.

I tried to balance out the reds, yellows and blues of the photos and papers, using the embellishments and tags I had gathered.  I added some washi and a chipboard photo frame strip over part of the photo collage.

Not sure about you guys, but I am totally one of those people that when I bought some new products or got a new kit, I did one of two things.  I either used my favs immediately or set them aside for the perfect project.  Then they inevitably become buried and forgotten.  In my personal life, we have have a challenging few months...
and I’ve been saying that for a few months.

I’ve also come to the conclusion, in this crazy time we live in, that we shouldn’t keep things to use for that “perfect project.”  Life is fragile and tumultuous and precious...even for something as seemingly insignificant as scrapbook products, why wait, why save them for some other day??   Shouldn’t we use them now, today, whether it be paper, formal dinnerware, a fancy pair of earrings or calling that friend to reconnect with??  In other words,  Carpe Diem!!

Thanks for stopping by today.  I hope you have a wonderful day and an amazing week and remember, even in the smallest of things, live in the moment!

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