
Saturday, October 27, 2012

HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS...Scrapbook Circle

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Well, here it is...first LO from our Disney trip.
I will probably end up with an entire album of Disney or
maybe 4 mini albums making up the 4 places we went,
but, I couldn't resist doing just one from one of the kids 
most memorable parts of the trip...getting their faces 
painted.  Funny how some of the things we thought would be 
trivial or not near as special as the rest of it, considering where we
were and all.  I didn't think they would enjoy Hollywood Studios
as much as they did, and the face painting was a big part of it!

This was for the Scrapbook Circle Challenge #39, which was a color palette 
challenge.   Here is the link to their post:

I know these aren't the colors that are normally associated with Disney and I
probably will use something different for that album.  However, these are some of my favorite
color and the October Kit is full of them and so many other wonderful products.
Even though their faces were painted such vibrant colors, I wanted to make the
picture black and white to focus on the smiling faces, and not compete with
the color palette.  I also that thought all the gold in this month's kit was perfect
for anything about Hollywood!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful page! The sewing and layering look fantastic.


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