
Monday, October 22, 2012

MakiNg SpoOKy...

Monday, October 22, 2012

I love Fall!
Fall in our house means lots of school activities, football Saturdays,
lot and lots of leaves to rake, and a super Halloween!

I love to change things up, move artwork or shift furniture,
mix things up a bit to see how things feel or work in different light,
in different ways or sometimes, just to keep my husband on his toes! ;)

And I love decorating for Halloween...My bins of decorations get bigger
and bigger every year, mostly after things go on sale!  Even though
that means waiting another year to take them out...
I enjoy using the same decorations year after year, but 
changing them around a bit, or putting them in a different place.
Now, that the kids are older and really into more scary things, 
they are all about "making it spooky"!  

Just about all of this came from the Scrapbook Circle October Kit, which
could be my new favorite...I thought the triangles were perfect for carving
out pumpkin eyes and all the tags and colors are great.  A Halloween 
page without too much orange and a great challenge!  I am liking the copper,
gold & ochre for Halloween colors this year, with some charcoal grey!

Sam went to a birthday party where they picked little pumpkins and
decorated them with those styrofoam stickers...Shawn change its
eyes at some point to take this picture like it was looking up at him.
I thought it was hilarious and begging for a word bubble!

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