
Sunday, October 7, 2012


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Isn't is amazing how much we rely on the digital revolution now?
In one way it is great, but there is a part of me that misses the whole 
ritual of taking photographs (not being able to review them immediately)
and then take the actual FILM to be developed...sifting thru the stack for the 
first time, remembering each moment.  I love having a digital camera, or even
more so, the convenience and versatility of instagrams and the iPhone...
but there is something lost.  

Kind of the same as reading a book made with actual PAPER. 
I love the convenience of a Kindle, the green factor, 
and the practicality of late night reading with someone who goes to bed at 
9:30pm and falls asleep in 2.5 seconds.  Well, Kindle for the iPad...
But, I love being able the bed back the spine and really get into a paperback,
to mark my pages by folding the corner down, even thought I get onto 
my kids for doing the same thing...but lets face it, I'm reading trash and they 
have school library books!

Anyway, all of this has to do with the fact that these photos were taken
12 years ago and I had to scan them in, hence the darkness, haven't 
quite figured out Photoshop yet....I have on my ever growing wish/to do list 
to actually sift thru all my important photos and either scan them in, have a
digital copy made or transfer them to CD for safe storage.

I did use these photos for the Studio Calico Sunday Sketch from 
09/30 and rotated the sketch 90 degrees counter clockwise to fit my
photos and own is their link:

The photos are from Downhill Castle, now in ruins, that sits right on
the coast of Northern Ireland.  It is about a mile walk from my 
Grandmother's house, and a favorite place for my brother and I
to come play and pretend a whole fantasy world of our own making...
The weather that Fall when we were there was absolutely amazing...
I have never been there for so much sun and beautiful days as I was
during that visit.  Shawn thought that it was an Irish/British conspiracy to
promote the country for having bad weather to discourage tourists!!
It was pretty funny...he didn't believe that it was very unusual.

The title is from a Van Morrison song called "Irish Heartbeat"
that I love and makes me think of all the people there, blood or not,
they treat you like family.  It is a feeling in the air of welcoming and
genuine love of life; it is palpable and one of the things that I believe
that tourists & visitors take away from their stay, even though they 
may not be able to place what it is exactly...

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