
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

when you see the LIGHT

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

At 3 years old Sam didn't quite get the photo booth concept.
Aside from the fact that I refused to pay $5 for 4 pics, 
I guess he never had a chance to practice!  But Daddy spoils them.
When my Mom and I went to Memphis for our birthdays, Shawn took 
the kids to the Zoo and happily forked out the five bucks for these photos.

They are cute, but he couldn't get Sam to look at the right place until
it was too late.  Needless to say, we haven't had any more practice,
 but I am sure he would get it now!  

I did this layout for the Scrapbook Circle Challenge #38:

They had a great kit that included lots of speech bubble accents,
so it was easy to come up with a plan...
Unfortunately, since I wasn't actually present, I don't know what was said.  
But, I am it was silly, goofy and included "when you see the light, SMILE"!

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