
Sunday, November 18, 2012

go climb a tree...Page Maps Sketch

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I have so many new projects planned and new products to be used, that I 
desperately trying to work thru some piles!  I loved this paper by 
Studio Calico that is large brown overlapping scallops on one side
and a vibrant red wood grain on the opposite. The scallops reminded me 
of scales at first, but then a little like tree bark.  

I had this photo of Sofia that my Mother-in-law took one day when 
they went to the park and Sofia climbed up a tree...she is a little monkey like!
Anyway, it was after we had just been to the doctor for a bad scrape
that got worse and started to look infected to me.  Turned out it was Staph
infection and pretty bad.  It had to be drained with a needle out of her 
arm and then carefully watched to make sure it didn't need to be drained
again.  That was one of the worst doctor's appointments in my 8 years as a mother.

She was brave, but let's fast it, it was nasty, scary and a BIG 'ol needle.  Ugh.
She survived and I am sure there was some sort of ice cream of sweet treat
used as bribery for a brave face, not to mention not scaring the crap out of everyone
in the waiting room... :o  But after all that mess was over, Nonna came in to save
the day, took them to a park and Sofia was right back at it, climbing all over the 
place and right back up a tree...

I used the November Kit from Scrapbook Circle and a couple tags,
the Elle's Studio journaling tag and a couple stamps of my own.
I also used the sketch from the Ruby Rock-It sketch challenge on
 which I turned upside down so my photo could be on the right.
Here is the link to their blog post:

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