
Sunday, November 18, 2012

LOViEw...Sunday Sketch Studio Calico

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I was asked to do the Sunday Sketch at Studio Calico using a sketch
based on one of Marcy Penner's layouts...I was absolutely thrilled to be asked!
And aside from being a fantastic sketch, I love Marcy's style...
very clean, laid back, simple & intricate all at the same time.

I changed the sketch up quite a bit to fit my photos and to get a vertical
title.  I used a play on words for the title...Love View -
of Sam looking thru my book mark which he had just bent...ahem.

Anyway, sometimes I really love sketches where there aren't a whole
lot of restrictions. I kind of use it to clean up my desk and use all the teeny
bits and pieces of this or that, that I refuse to throw away.

I have bowls and bowls and little boxes full of the positive or negative pieces 
from various cuts I used with my Silhouette...lots of stars, hearts and leaves.
I had this sweet little vellum coin envelope from Jillibean Soup 
and decided to scoop up all those hearts and dump them in!

I used several other scraps and odd things like pieces of tags, a paint chip
for the green color I was trying to convince my husband to let me 
paint in the laundry room...a piece of muslin fabric I tested out some stitching on
and carious other tags pieces of paper I tucked here and there.


  1. What a fantastic page! That vellum pocket with the heart "leftovers" is so clever and fun. Love your layering and sense of color. Would love for you to come play with us at at my color challenge, CSI: Color, Stories, Inspriation!

  2. Love this layout. I myself love using little scrapbits in a vellum pocket that I machine stitch, so cute! Thanks for all the inspiration!


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