
Saturday, June 15, 2013

EXCITING NEWS {+ "a quiet moment" & a little updating!}

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Wow!  It seems like FOREVER since I posted last!
We have been at the beach for the last week and just got back a little while ago.

AND, I get to share some exciting news!
I am going to be on the Design Team at the Scrap Our Stash Challenge Blog!
I hate not being able to share fun news like this, but the wait is over...

I am excited about working with this team in what I think is the ultimate scrapbook recycling program!
Well, that may be my excuse for buying new product ;)
But, it is a great Blog that has wonderful challenges to encourage all of us to use up our stash!
Oh, and that whole prize part of it, you know to add back to your stash...heh, heh.

I love challenges, as you may know, because I always seem to find something I forgot, 
or look at something in a new way...or use that giant stack of something (there are too many to name)
that I really needed to have and either hoarded, pushed to the side, or more likely got buried! :)
Anyway, I will begin my term on July 1st and I would love for everyone to check
out their blog and see all the fun and active designers who are scrapping their stash!


Speaking of using some things from my Stash, and in preparation for our trip to the beach,
I made this new LO, but didn't get to post it before now.
I loved one of the latest Elle's Studio Thursday sketches that was really top heavy.
ALthough I didn't use any Elle's stuff, I came across this Glitz paper (see giant stack above!) and
 thought it  would be a good base to add the info at the bottom and still use the entire piece of paper!

I have a couple large white wood trays that I keep current kits, DT projects,
and other things I want to keep on hand.  In an effort to clean my work area,
I started going through the things piled up in those trays that I thought I was so organized about...
...and realized, there are things from last month, last season and even last year!

This is a photo of my daughter as we arrived at our trip to the beach last June.
She was trying to show enormous patience while we unloaded everything, 
in an effort to set an example for her brother! (I hope...)

There are some new things in the LO, but a lot of old negatives from Silhouette cuts
that are one of my favorite things to layer into a project!  Talk about recycling! ;)

I have lots of catching up to do from the past week, and have lots of sketches, ideas and
journaling while being away from my craft room!


  1. Love how you have everything at the top of the page, and the info at the bottom!

  2. Congrats Jenni! I'm happy for all the exciting things you have going on!

  3. Congratulations, Jenni! :) Your layout is fabulous! I also like how you have the "guts" along the top with the details below- such a cool design.


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