
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Daddy's Day!!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

One of the best things about die-cuts, snippets and tags is their ability to form into a card in 2.5 seconds!
Well, maybe 10 minutes in reality, but I needed a super fast (sorry for not spending more time) card to
give to Daddy today.  And after being out of town for a week, blowing up half our house to renovate 
(my son's terminology), the end of school AND let's throw in a tummy bug we passed around to everyone including the contractor (I didn't get it...first time EVER!) I didn't plan as much as I meant to!  

So, as I said...I had a bunch of 'Cameron' collection snippets and journaling tags from 
Elle's Studio on my desk and literally threw this together!  Seriously, paper was flying! ;)

And wanted to wish a Happy Father's Day to all the Fathers, Grandfathers, Step Fathers, 
Father-to-be, Uncles, Father-figures and anyone else who is male and supportive of anyone else in their life...
Whew!  I hope that covered it!  Happy Sunday!

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