
Thursday, July 11, 2013

MY HEART...(& a little gelato lovin')

Thursday, July 11, 2013

My craft room is a giant mess...
I read in a Feng Shui book once that the best way to keep positive Chi (energy flow) 
in your work space is to always clean your desk off and put things away at the end of the day.
The logic being that your energy level is much more likely to be positive if you come into
a clutter free, organized, fresh space...ready to create (or work or whatever).

Coming into a mess of things in process stresses out your subconscious making you less productive &
lowers your Chi!  I always believed that when I worked in an office and really tried to always straighten
things up before leaving...This is much harder, obviously, this is a hobby, and everyday life happens; making me more likely to run out in the middle of something or working in stages, where I can't clean up in between.

But, now it really is starting to become a problem. 
I guess some people might say artists are notoriously messy, part of their work process...
well, I am a little too type 'A' for that.  Soooooooo....there is a point, I promise...
I have been trying to really use up all pieces of kits and products and even tools I bought that 
I haven't used yet!  All in an effort to cull thru this mess!

I had a few gelatos, but bought a lot more colors recently but haven't sat down to play with them yet!
I also bought this gorgeous heart mask from Heidi Swapp and have had it in mind for this photo, but it was buried.  I am not a hoarder, seriously...Anyway, I finally locked myself away in my craft room to play.

I always used gelatos with my fingers and never with water...but I shaved off 3 different colors &
made a little paste that I dabbed onto the hearts in this mask using saran wrap!  It was fun and I
loved the way it turned out.  This was a photo from my husband and I on our 12th anniversary in May.  
We didn't get to do anything special, but we did manage to snap a photo!

In my effort to use lots of bits and pieces of kits, almost all of this came from Scrapbook Circle kits,
from January thru June and a couple little extra things.  I am going to keep going thru my supplies until I 
make a dent in this pile! I will not buy anything else until I do...Muuaaahhh Haaa Haaa...yeah right.

Thanks for reading my perspective on the importance of a clean work space!
Happy Hump Day!!


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