
Monday, July 15, 2013

STRENGTH...Color-Me-Scrappy DT Challenge #42!

Monday, July 15, 2013

This is my layout for the new Color-Me-Scrappy Challenge!  
Below is the color inspiration and the twist was to use of my favorites!

{ Challenge #42 - Twist: Use woodgrain }

I used a mix of lots of Crate Paper DIY, Fancy Pants and some My Mind's Eye 
to give me all the colors for the challenge.  I have been loving all the lighter, softer pastels
that I have been trying to use as much as possible, but these colors fit my page & theme better.

I don't do too many pages about myself but try to do a few, usually near my birthday.
Thinking I will be imparting some new amazing wisdom, but it usually just shows me how little I know!
I usually add a list or some deep, meaningful journaling but this cut file I found for my Silhouette 
pretty much summed up everything I am feeling and wanted to convey at the end of my 40th year! (ugh.)

Hence, the clock...I am however ok with being 40, that's life...
But this has been a very difficult few months for me and so I have had to find some inner strength,
usually on a daily basis, and I haven't always found it, as my husband can attest to.
Luckily for me, he is a wonderful person to prop me up and lend his support, physically & mentally.
So, despite the challenges this year has brought so far, I am constantly reminded how lucky I am to have 
the people in my life that help me find and nurture that strength.  I wouldn't make it far without them. 

I know summer is a busy time for everyone, vacationing, spending time with kids, remodeling
half your house while trying to live in it (grrrrr.), but I hope you all get a chance to check out the 
Color-Me-Scrappy blog and participate in the Challenge!  There are some wonderful 
inspiration pages from the rest of the DT as well as our guest designer Paula Flavia!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


  1. Your layout really is beautiful. I especially like the colored journaling and cool photo. An awesome design and mix of papers as well.

  2. Jenni! That is an amazing photo! I love it and how you scrapped it using this week's colors. Your layout is creative and absolutely beautiful!

  3. Oooo! Jenni, I just love this to bits! That photograph is uber cool, and your title work is fantastic!


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