
Saturday, August 31, 2013

CLICK...The Keeping of Memories - Scrapbook Circle August Kit

Saturday, August 31, 2013

I am still so in love with these chipboard slide frames from Crate Paper's The Pier collection.  
They are part of the Scrapbook Circle August Add-On kit and I could not get enough of them!  
There are several retro-ish patterns and colors of embellishments included in the August kit and 
 thought they would be great for a page about my Dad's camera collection.  

If anyone has seen previous posts of mine I have a few tribute type pages to my Dad and his hobby. 
I like to think that his love for photography and record keeping has helped  inspire my love for scrapbooking.

My Dad had an entire studio filled with his camera collection (obsession) from tiny to large vintage 
standing accordion cameras.  He restored lots of them and usually had several out on a table 
in various states or assembly, or dis-assembly.  

He passed away, quite suddenly just over 9 years ago and my mother and I were charged with trying
to decide what to do with all of them.  We both kept several of our favorites and his favorites.
The others were sold and shipped to people all over the world.  It was a little sad at the time, 
I felt bad for letting go of so many, but at the same time it is nice to think of a collector in Germany 
or Japan as obsessed as he was with one of his cameras!

I immediately thought of hanging negatives and newly developed photos on the line in his dark room 
with clothes pins.  I loved these clear acrylic letters, also from Crate Paper for my title to symbolize 
that part of my memory.  There were lots of cameras that had film still left in them and it was kind 
of exciting to have the film developed and see what he had photographed.  These are a couple of those
photos that he had taken of several of the cameras that were on a table in his studio, being cleaned
or repaired in some way.

The August kit-Let's Go on an Adventure also included lots of wood veneers from Basic Grey 
that are great for layering and misting.  The kit hasn't sold out yet and the Add-On is still 
available too...Totally worth it for those chipboard slide frames alone!  
You can check the kit details out HERE and see the rest of the DT Idea Gallery HERE.

Thanks for stopping by today!  Have a great holiday weekend!

Monday, August 26, 2013

wish *

Monday, August 26, 2013

I have been complaining about the fact that we have no LSS within a 20 mile radius of the
 booming metropolis that is Birmingham, Alabama!  And am therefore at the mercy of my mail carrier,
UPS guy and every once in a while the FedEx dude...if I want anything besides the basics.

However, I have been seriously impressed with the improvement that the major craft stores, HL, JoAnn's and Michael's have shown.  Which honestly, may be why a local scrap store can't compete but still...??

Anyway, I went to Hobby Lobby and they had all the paper pads 50% off...I swear a glowing light
appeared from above and a small chorus of angels!! (or the kid screaming next isle over)
Well, in my mind anyway, and there on the shelves was the new Pink Paislee Color Wash,
new Glitz Wild & Free/Finley & the new Heidi Swapp Mixed Company.
Excuse my enthusiasm, but WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??

I immediately snatched everyone up (sorry, Shawn) and looked around for anyone who might try to
 take them from me...heh heh.  No one dared!  That or no one was there on Tuesday morning.

Anyway, longer story short-ish, hands down Pink Paislee is my favorite release from CHA thus far!
I guess I love it because I love watercolors and they have taken it to the masses!
I love adding it to my projects, but would hate the thought of someone not doing that
out of fear of messing up a favorite piece of patterned paper...and now, here it all is, in one!!

Ok, ranting aside. whew.
I wanted this simple, plain and wrote very personal journaling to my children behind each of their photos,
tucked into a little envelope about my 'wishes' for them right now.  { I hope one day they find it! }

It is all Pink Paislee paper, the Luxe with silver stars and the Color Wash yellow and pink.
I fussy cut out parts of the brush strokes and then tried to match the paint it watercolors to pull the colors
up into the stars...The wooden 'wish' tag is from Two Peas exclusive collection and I colored it with several
different colors of gelatos, then backed it with glitter tape and patterned paper.  

The die cut title I misted with Color Shine and used another piece of the PP Color Wash paper as the
mat for the entire page.  I REALLY love it...I cannot see me not using each and every page!

So, there you have it, I think I can safely say that I love Pink Paislee and I have so TOTALLY
blown my budget out of the water...:(    Oh well!  Happy Monday anyway!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

READY SET GO **Scrapbook Circle August Sketch Challenge**

Saturday, August 24, 2013

It wasn't one of my scheduled posts as a DT at Scrapbook Circle, but I love a good sketch and 
Diana always has some of the best...Easy to switch up & to adapt and easy to be inspired by!
So, I went ahead and did a page to add to the August Sketch that were submitted to the blog/FB page!
We have had to add some house rules to the amount of "screen time", mostly gaming, that has become
my son's obsession...he has to "check in" on our board with a 20 minute pass and he uses a piece of washi
to mark it...I really must write a post on that!  But, sometimes, he has to wait...and, yep, I set a timer,
so I don't have a 6 yr. old following me around saying "Has it been 30 minutes yet?  Can I play now?"

This is him setting the timer and "patiently" (ahem...) waiting!

There were lots of great submissions for the sketch and the prize was SO cool, I really wish I could have been eligible! :(  There are bound to be great prizes in the future!  Stay tuned and check out the blog!

Friday, August 23, 2013

pool + sun = fun! **Scrap Our Stash DT August Sketch Challenge**

Friday, August 23, 2013

This is my layout for the new August Sketch with Stash Challenge #6 at Scrap Our Stash!

 Create a layout inspired by the sketch below and you must include at least 
one game card and/or game piece on your page.  
(Example: Playing card, bingo card, wooden game pieces, monopoly pieces, etc)

You have until August 29th at Midnight to enter for the prize, 
which is the collection pack from Jillibean Soup called Game Day Chili...
perfect for the onset of football season!!

I chose not to do a game themed page even though we have game nights and have lots of funny 
photos of the kids with Bingo pieces stuck to their foreheads, cheeks, chins, etc...?

Anyway, I used these "playing cards" from The Pier collection from Crate Paper.
I love scrapping summer photos and so I had to use these cards!  A lot of the other pieces I 
used came from the August Kit from Scrapbook Circle - Let's Go on an Adventure!

 I found this cool splat die cut on the Silhouette shop and sized it really big for the circular element.
I cut it out of watercolor paper and layered it with some misted wood veneers.

Make sure you check out the Scrap Our Stash Blog, they have a different DT members 
take on the challenge each day and there are lots of inspiring pages!  

Happy Friday!  I sure am thankful!  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

SUMMER goLd { & Start to Finish Video! }

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I am LOVING this Art class from Wilna Furstenburg on Two Peas...!

It is pretty much things I have tried before, just not together, and not as a background
for a scrapbooking page or as an integral part...I hate to say it, but her techniques as part of the class
don't encourage you to buy certain products and that is one of the reasons I like it so much.
I love buying new products, don't get me wrong, but sometimes I think I am at my most creative 
when I am forced to work with what I have...

Anyway, I used her glittering technique with ModPodge and also used a stencil and modeling paste.
The modeling paste technique I have done before and I love it, but it was great to get her input.
And I didn't know that you could put glitter into ModPodge and mix it up to use as a medium on its own...
That will definitely show up here soon!

Below is my process video or you can go directly to my YouTube link and see it there. 

I had planned to only use black, white & gold for my color palette and really let the photo stand alone.
However, when I started to find paint for the stencil I brought in green...I had planned for it to be a much
more muted green, but am pleased with the outcome.

 If you watch the video, you'll see my major boo-boo with the black paint splatters that frustrated me 
to no end, and made me get a little creative to cover it up...I liked the way it turned out, but it just goes to
show you, there are some parts of the page that should be done before everything is in place..i.e. paint splatters...I don't think I will always remember that, but this was a nice, albeit irritating reminder.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you check out the process video!
As always, any comments are welcome and encouraged...positive or negative! :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

time spent alone...{ Inspired by Wilna's Art Class! }

Monday, August 19, 2013

I have been taking the Art Class from Wilna Furstenburg and it has been amazing freeing and inspiring!
If any of you know her work, I seriously "channeled my inner Wilna", as one YouTuber commented!  
I can't say enough good things about the class and even if I don't scrap like this all the time, 
it was so much fun and therapeutic and generated so many other inspiring ideas for my own work.

I finally am getting back into the groove of doing more videos and the one for this page
is below or you can find it on my YouTube Channel!

One thing that I loved about this page I did was to pull out lots of older products 
in my search for more butterflies!  
I kept finding things I had forgotten I had or had planned to use one day. 
Not that that is hard to do with the all the stuff in my craft room right now!

 One technique she did that I will definitely be using more is that she would watercolor 

or paint around a piece of embellishment, chipboard or whatever, and bring the colors
 from that piece out on to the page...I loved it here because it made me feel like the colors 
were literally jumping off to color the white space!

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully this provided some inspiration to try something new!
Happy Monday!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

August Sketch Challenge & PRIZE at Scrapbook Circle!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The current Sketch Challenge at Scrapbook Circle has THE best prize...
this camera strap from BLUEBIRD chic.  Seriously!!  How cute is this!??

It is on my birthday list (ahem, Shawn...) and I can't wait to get one for myself!


You could win it by sharing a project using a Scrapbook Circle kit and the sketch by August 21st.  
Upload your page either to the Sketch Challenge Post HERE or on the SBC Facebook page!  

Go to the blog to read all the details about the Challenge and prize and while you're there check 
out the other inspiration in the Idea Gallery!  The August kit is really amazing!

Friday, August 16, 2013

ALWAYS REMEMBER always DREAM **Color Me Scrappy Challenge #44**

Friday, August 16, 2013

My layout for the new Challenge at Color Me Scrappy!
This is my absolute favorite color challenge to date, anywhere...and I get to be on the DT for it!
Super excited about that...It is a beautiful palette and the photo invokes that soft, feminine ethereal image
in my head...and the other part of the Challenge is to use fabric, again reinforcing that image.

I knew I wanted to use this muslin fabric and stitch it to the page with a circle or heart or cut a heart
out of it, but had no idea about the rest of it...It was one of those pages that just came together
without much of a plan and really quickly, rare for me, I usually have to let things marinate for a while.
Ironically, it is the ones that happen on their own and more spontaneous that I love the most!

Everything on this project were pieces I had been hoarding for the right occasion.
That Elle's Studio "bookmark" tab being my most coveted piece.

I love the picture of the kids and because it is black and white it provides such a contrast that 
the colors don't compete, but the colors are so soft they obviously stand out against it.
I love that combination and liked the way it all came together!

This is a super busy time of year with everyone either getting back into the school 
routine or just shaking off the summer lazy, but we would love to see your 
projects shared on the BLOG!

This is the perfect color palette to end summer with...of course, I am in Alabama and summer 
technically lasts thru Halloween ;)  Except for that whole Global Warming thing!!

Thanks for stopping by and happy Friday!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Favorites TODAY - Scrapbook Circle 1st post!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy Monday and one week before school starts... (for us anyway!)
I am so ready to get back to a routine, especially as far as crafting goes!

This is one of the layouts I did for the DT at Scrapbook Circle with the August kit, Let's Go on an Adventure!  It is a wonderful kit and the add-on is SO worth many things that are sold out everywhere else!  
As usual, it is super versatile in colors, patterns and products!
I loved these pics taken with my phone as we waited around for my daughter to go to the pool.  
But there wasn't any major story behind them.  I took a cue from the fun Snippets 
journaling card included in the main kit and "interviewed" him for all his favorite things right now!
I think he would have said the "Star Wars" theme music was his favorite song, 
but changed his mind at the last minute...Star Wars, Star Wars, Star Wars!!!  Obsessed...

I used the other products from both the main kit and the Add-On to make borders on both sides. 
I also punched out my scrap paper that I was testing the geo tag stamp that is included in the add-on!
I love doing that and it was a great layer under the cork circles to stitch into.

You can read my blog post HERE and see the other fun projects the DT members did with the kit too!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

epic.6 Birthday Card _ Scrapbook Circle August Kit!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

I made a birthday card for my godson using the August Scrapbook Circle kit-Let's Go on an Adventure!
I had already done my DT projects but honestly, I feel this will be a totally "killed" kit in a few days! :)

We usually always give our godson some money for his birthday and I saw this cute idea on Pinterest.
Here is the link for the one I had used as inspiration!

I thought it was perfect especially for the age, it would be hard to do a 40th B'day with this idea ;)
I used the Basic Grey Carte Postale "post it" stickers to bind the rolled $5 bills and then secured it
to the card with a glue dot, so he could easily slip out the money (most importantly!)
I used some other pieces of scrap paper and a piece of the Printable part of the kit to add to the card!

Needless to say, he loved it!
Was it the fabulously designed, intricate card his godmother spent an hour making??
Probably not, it was probably the imaginary thought bubble I saw poke out of his head
that had a new Nintendo DS game in a bright shiny bubble...

Either way, he got a card, I used more of this super cool kit and everyone is happy!
Check out the whole kit and the other DT projects on the Scrapbook Circle Blog HERE!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

ME.FORTY **Scrapbook Circle Challenge #58!**

Saturday, August 10, 2013

This is my first LO for the DT at Scrapbook Circle!
It is for their new Challenge #58 which is called "Getting to Know You!"
Not!...And I know none of us do enough pages about ourselves!
You can check out the details of the Challenge HERE!  
You have until August 31st and the prize is a package from Crate Paper The Pier collection!

I am totally obsessed with these frames from Crate Paper...they are SO cool and I thought it 
would be fun to create a grid of them and put other patterned paper behind them as well as
the title in the acrylic tiles and the journaling too!  The frames are part of the add-on but they
seem to be sold out everywhere else!

 There are so many cool things in the August kit from Scrapbook Circle it was really hard not to include them all on this one page!  I managed to cram a lot in though!  The other cool piece from the add-on kit is the geo-tag stamp from Studio Calico.  I heat embossed it in gold to tie in lots of other gold in the kit, stars and sequins!

I try to do at least one layout about myself a year, hoping for more, if for no other reason than to one day 
let my kids read a little about what was going on in my head then!  And to remind them that Mom isn't just
Mom, shes actually a person too!  Something it took me a long time to realize about my own parents...

So, thanks for looking and go make a page about yourself! 
Share it on the Scrapbook Circle Facebook page by August 21st for your chance to win!!  

Friday, August 9, 2013

INSTA.BEACH **Scrap Our Stash August Challenge**

Friday, August 9, 2013

This is my take for the August Challenge #6 at Scrap Our Stash!

The Challenge is to create a SUMMER THEMED LAYOUT!
Also you MUST include (3) or more pre-made die-cut embellishments from you stash!
So, I took this opportunity to do my Beach-In-Review page from our annual trip this year.
I love Instagrams & have been really bad lately about not taking out my "big girl camera" enough...
but I always have my phone and instagrams make the perfect collage for that glimpse of 
a trip, month or season.  I have other pages from that trip but this is good for the
overall feel for us to remember!

I knew the Saltwater collection from Elle's Studio would be a great fit for my collage as
well as these wonderful die-cut frames that are part of the collection.
I had some other die-cut pieces from a Scrapbook Circle collection 
from last summer that were part of the American Crafts Shoreline collection...

I made a fun watery background as the mat under my photos using
Distress Ink and a spritzer!  I layered a piece of that fabulous constellation 
vellum from Studio Calico to tone down the colors a bit.
There is a new layout from a DT member each day on the blog with lots of great inspiration!

It is amazing at all the different takes on the same sketch! 
Check it out HERE and share your page with us too before the end of the month for the
August prize!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

SWEET smile...Happy Friendship Day!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

A quick LO I threw together in under and hour using some new color shine mist
in Amethyst and some of the things that were in my hoarding stack...
That gold paper from Studio Calico, the gold chevron tag from Crate Paper and the Kraft
paper from Amy Tan with the roses on it...Rose is my daughter's middle name!

So, I decided to quit screwing around and just use them already!
I also used things that have been on my desk for a while...a little scrap of ribbon, 
this negative for a cutout I used a long time ago, flair, washi all stuff that instead of just 
cleaning it off, I slapped it on the page and then put it away!  No, really, I cleaned up!
You can't tell anymore, but I did!

Thanks for looking!  Happy Sunday, Friendship Day & Shark Week!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

SCRAPBOOK CIRCLE August Idea Gallery!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

I am SO, SO, SO excited about being a part of this team...I know I have said that before
in several other social media locales...but I keep waiting for someone to pinch me!!
I feel humbled to have been asked to contribute along with some of the most talented women
in scrapbooking...seriously, me??  Like I said, pinch me!

And on top of that, I really love this Kit Club.  I spent a fair amount of time researching all the 
different options out there when I first decided to commit to a subscription.  There are a lot of choices 
and even more popping up, but I still stand behind my choice, DT or not...
These are real women just like me and I love that.  I have my share of creative blocks and times
when I just procrastinate by cleaning my craft room...oh wait, no, never mind.  
However, something about the kits that Lisa combines just makes projects come together all by themselves...

Check it out for yourselves!  
You can check out the website HERE and follow the link to the Blog there as well.  
They have an inspiring newsletter you can sign up for too.  Also, check out the Idea Gallery 
for my August layouts and the rest of the DT projects.  Inspiration abounds!  

This is one LO I did with the kit that is full of lovely Crate Paper and wood veneers and more!


Thanks for stopping by and happy weekend!!
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