
Monday, September 30, 2013

**Winner!** from my Scrap Our Stash Blog Hop Giveaway!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Blog Hop this weekend and supported my blog as well!  It is much appreciated!

The Scrap Our Stash Grand Prize Giveaway is still open and will be until Friday October 4th!
Go back to Hop HERE for the Challenge rules and to link up your project!!

And now, for the randomly selected winner of my personal giveaway:
( sorry to my DTeamies at SOS...I didn't count you for the giveaway! )

Amanda Jane!
Email me (the link is the top right little red envelope) with your address and I will send out your prize ASAP!

To everyone else, thanks again for all your comments and feedback!  I am going to be doing another giveaway very soon!

Happy End of September!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Scrap Our Stash ABC-123 Blog Hop Challenge, Big GIVEAWAY & Video!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Welcome to the Scrap Our Stash ABC-123 Back to School Blog Hop!
Whew, that is a long title, but totally worth it!

You should be arriving from Kerry's Blog and Manda's Blog and is after this one, 
if you like to hop in order!
How cool of an idea is this??  All the DT members picked 2 adjacent letters in the alphabet and 1 of the 3 sketches and made a layout!  I think it is such a clever motivator for a project!  
This is the lineup or go back to the SOS Blog for the full list.

Dulcinea Silva
Kerry Bruce
**Jenni Calma **
Scrap Our Stash

So, I picked the letters S & T which were for Stencils, Tags and sketch #3.
Here is the sketch:
More details pics and the process video are below.


To thank their followers and show their appreciation for the support and participation in the hop, 
Scrap Our Stash Awarding will be two prizes for participants hop!!

Here are the details: 
For the first prize drawing you must: Visit each of our designer's blogs and leave a comment. Once you have completed the hop, return to the SOS Blog and leave a comment letting Them know you have completed the hop. You will have until Sunday, September 29, 2013 ~ 11:59 PM (PST) to leave a comment and your name will be Entered to win the prize Following: 

Complete the ABC ~ 123 Blog Hop Challenge and link it up on the SOS blog, in later than Friday, October 4, 2013 ~ 11:59 PM (PST) and your name will be Entered to win this Grand Prize Package:

Challenge details and rules can be found on the Scrap Our Stash Blog HERE!


For my personal thank you giveaway, just go to the sidebar and Join This Sitethen leave me a comment telling me you did so!  If you are already a member, (yay!) you are still eligible...just leave a comment as well by Sunday September 29th Midnight PST!

I will pick a random winner and post it here on Monday September 30thI hope you get motivated by our hop and enter the Grand Prize Challenge!  I can't wait to see what inspired you and leave some love...I promise whoever wins will not be disappointed!  I am a super good sharer and have lots of fun goodies!

And even more exciting (hard to imagine, I know!) is that there is a Start to Finish video of my process...
so you can see all the ups & downs for yourself!

Click on the play button above or go to my YouTube Channel HERE!

I chose a 6x6 stencil from Heidi Swapp and her Color Shine mist in Peach to add another pattern to my background paper from Glitz's new Finnley collection.  I didn't want to have too much pattern going on so I used a couple different vellums for the triangles in the sketch.  I used one pocket tag, one canvas tag and a journaling tag from Elle's Studio all layered together.  I used another stencil from Studio Calico and stamp ink to add a little more color onto the canvas tag.

This is an Instagram photo of my son's Radio Flyer tricycle, obviously,
and so my title is a little play on that and how fast time seems to be flying by.

Thanks so much for hopping and stopping by today!
Next on to Manda...

Be sure to go back to the Scrap Our Stash Blog so you can participate in the Challenge & prizes!
Have a great day!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

FOCUSED - Scrapbook Circle *Jenni Bowlin Rub-ons*

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This LO was for the One Item Wonder in the current 
Scrapbook Circle kit-Photo Goes Here for the Jenni Bowlin rub-ons in GOLD!  Yummy!

I had this photo from a day that my son was flying through a set of Legos...
I used this Space App on my phone to add some fun effects to the Instagram and that inspired
the cut I did on my Silhouette and everything revolving in a circle...

In doing this I knew I would probably be layering these rub-ons on top of multiple pieces
of paper, or other materials...the true test of a rub-on!  And I am pretty picky about my rub-ons.
If they don't come off well, that's fine for art journaling, but I wanted these to be very clear
and solid, almost embossed looking.  They are easy to use, and came off like butter!

I cut these two pieces of striped paper from Fancy Pants & matched them up to make 
one big "herringbone" and then painted all around the seam between to the two.  
I punched some of the little letters from this Basic Grey paper to add my son's initials and his age.
The title is on of the die cuts included in the pack of Fancy Pants ephemera.

I feel the need to brag, he picked out a box that was 8-16 years and he is 6.
But, he paid for it with hard earned money from the tooth fairy, so I let him pick what he wanted...
He and my husband usually start or do a lot of his Legos together (I think Shawn loves 
them just as much or more!) but he was out of town so Sam did it on his own...
And I mean 40 minutes later, he had it done in hand showing me all about it...
It was awesome and I was really proud of him, but wow, that was a fast $25!!

September is almost over but check out the rest of the Photo Goes Here kit and still pick one up!
AND, use this code jenni10off for a discount on your first order 
OR if you are a current subscriber you can use it for a discount on an add-on kit...
and trust me, you will not want to miss the add-ons coming up! (just FYI!)

Share your projects on the Scrapbook Circle Facebook Page too!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

KEEP THIS - Scrap Our Stash Sketch Challenge #7

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

This is the latest challenge from Scrap Our Stash...
The challenge is to use this cool sketch from Rochelle Spears and to include chipboard from your stash!

I pulled all the old chipboard alphas I have had (for years) and layered them with other wood veneer
alphas, stickers, etc. all in this middle section of this starburst pattern.  I misted them all a
variation of teal, yellow and green, trying to gradiate the color along with the paper.

This was actually the background piece of card stock I used as my spray mat and I thought it turned out 
perfect as the base for my page!  I used piece of Heidi Swapp paper in the same color
family to make the rays of my starburst and stitched it all down with my sewing machine.
I painted a little watercolor along the edges to blend it together a bit.

I started pulling chipboard from everywhere and used chipboard clouds and tab files, anything I could find!
Instead of 3 photos I chose to use the two since I was making a page about the changes in my son.
I used the middle section for a chipboard frame around the journaling instead of the additional photo.

 I had this die cut from an older Amy Tangerine collection, can't even remember which one, 
but I loved it and was afraid I would never find the perfect place for it...
I thought it matched the colors well and made it seem the startbursts and photos were 
coming out of the camera lens!  

This was a challenging sketch for me, but really made me think out of the box.
 I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!  Be sure to go to the Scrap Our Stash Blog
to upload your project to be eligible for the prize and for us all to see your lovely work!
Also be sure to check out the other DT members takes on this sketch...
A new one is posted every day and you have until September 29th @ midnight to upload your page!
You can see the challenge guidelines HERE!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

DREAM...Color Me Scrappy September Challenge #46

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This color combination from Color Me Scrappy is divine...light and bright and kind of nice little 
page before we start getting into Fall and Halloween and all the fun holiday stuff!   

This Challenge was to use this color combo and the twist is to use texture on your project.  
You can see the original blog post with the challenge guidelines and the awesome project 
by Guest Designer Thandar Aye HERE.  

I loved this paper from Maggie Holmes for Crate paper and knew I had to use it as is!
I fussy cut (and it took forever...) this little tree branch and banner out of a piece of Dear Lizzy paper.

I used my cloud punch to punch my favorite vellum from Elle's Studio.
I also used a modeling paste and paint mix with a text mask on some plain vellum and 
also punched out little clouds.  I is really dimensional and adds great texture but it also subtle.

Unfortunately, you can't see it as much from the overall photo.

I used several pieces of 6x6 paper pads and some ribbon to make a patchwork border around the photo.
I have to give photo credit to my mother-in-law...she had taken the kids out to a little park where 
a part of the path had flooded over.  She caught the kids in a very calm pensive moment...
I'll have to ask her how that happened! :)

The chipboard ribbon banner at the bottom is also from Dear Lizzy.  
I used that as my title because I thought these color were so dreamy...

Thanks for stopping by today and be sure to check out the Color Me Scrappy new Blog design!
It is awesome sauce as well as all the other DT projects for this Challenge.
Have a great week!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A Special GIVEAWAY - Scrapbook Circle & Elle's Studio

Saturday, September 14, 2013

A special giveaway with Elle's Studio and Scrapbook Circle!!
The current September kit - Photo Goes Here features some Elle's Studio products,
along with coordinating products from other manufacturers and Elle is giving one away!
If you want to win one, go to Elle's Studio blog HERE and leave a comment by September 16th!
After you enter for your chance to win, go to the Scrapbook Circle Idea Gallery and 
see all the inspiration made with this kit chocked full of yumminess!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

FIRST - Scrapbook Circle September LO & Promo Code!!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Another LO share from this months Scrapbook Circle kit - Photo Goes Here.

Obviously, this is a first day back to school page and for my son who is in First grade this year.
Still, so hard to believe!  During the first week they got to type out 3 things they
liked about themselves that was left on their desk for the parents at Open House.  
I love the way kids learn to think and write phonetically...makes so much sense!  

I love the chalkboard trend that is flooding the market these days and clearly perfect for school themed projects.  I wanted to make the background look a little like that with just black cardstock, a mask and mist.
I was also inspired by all the polka dot patterns in this months kit from Elle's Studio, Basic Grey & Echo Park.  

 I wanted this page to look a little sloppy, (as sloppy as I could stand it anyway) so I used only 
scissors or tore the edges and lots of staples...I did sew some things down, but again didn't want to
think that much about it besides what I wanted to include- photos, date, his typing and age.

There are a couple more pages I have to share from this kit, but in the mean time you can check out 
all the inspiration on the blog HERE AND if you feel so inclined, subscribe with my code for 10% Off!
*Just type in jenni10off in the Apply Promo Code box and get started!*

There are SO many new things from CHA that are coming on the market right now, 
I think the October is going to be really awesome!  Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 9, 2013

WE believe in MAGIC...Scrap Our Stash Travel Challenge

Monday, September 9, 2013

The new Scrap Our Stash Challenge for September is up and this was my take for the challenge!

The challenge is to create a Travel Themed Layout and for the stash part you have to include
at least one of the following pre-made embellishments: airplane, train, bus, car, motorcycle, bike, or boat.
and you must also include a travel signage embellishment (Click HERE for examples of travel signage)

A little more than a year ago, we surprised our kids by taking them to Disney on a Thursday morning,
instead of going to my daughter's orthodontist appt. before school.  We are either really good at fooling them, 
or they were still totally asleep.  No one commented on the fact that it was so early that it was dark out,
or that Daddy was with us, and in jeans...when we drove past the Ortho's office, literally, my daughter 
asked what was up?  My husband said he needed to drop something off for work before we went 
and that is why it was so early...?  WHAT???  They totally bought it.  

We parked at the airport in the deck and still...nothing.  We finally gave them their official Disney
luggage tags and my son said, "oh, that's nice, thanks."  And my daughter started screaming!

So, I had planned on doing a special small scrapbook for just this trip to Disney and this would be the cover page for the album.  
Most everything from the LO came from the August Scrapbook Circle kit, appropriately called "Let's Go on an Adventure!"  
I absolutely love that geo tag stamp from Studio Calico that is in the Add-On kit. It looks great embossed too.

 I tucked some journaling on a little card inside the grey & white striped envelope from Fancy Pants.

That was my son's first plane ride and the first one my daughter can remember. 
They were so excited and shocked and couldn't believe we had everyone in on the surprise but them!
It was so much fun...we just might have to do it again!

Check out the challenge at the Scrap Our Stash Blog HERE and all the inspiration from the DT!
A new layout is posted every day until the next challenge reveal.
AND the prize is the "Detour" 12 x 12 Collection Kit from Bo Bunny!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Monday!

Sunday, September 8, 2013 LOVE U. - Pink Paislee Color Crush

Sunday, September 8, 2013

When I saw this Color Crush combo from Pink Paislee I immediately put it on my to do list!
It is gorgeous...pinks, orange, gold & grey!  Swoon.

If I have the slightest bit of encouragement to use my gold embossing powder, I'm sold!

And clearly, this color combo is perfect for the Luxe & Color Wash collection!
La, la, love them both and they worked perfectly with a black & white photo.

I love using water colors on scrapbook pages, and have, but love that it is trending now
and getting more people interested in watercolors!  And the Color Wash paper totally inspire
the use of more water colors, which is what it did for me.

Thanks so much for stopping by and go make something!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

GOTCHA. Take 2 w/Scrapbook Circle Challenge!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

This is my first 'Take 2' Challenge at Scrapbook Circle.  This challenge is for a DT member taking a previous layout and re-doing it with the current kit.  Since this is only my second month on the DT at Scrapbook Circle, I used a page I had done as a subscriber from April 2012.

It was for the Polaroid Photo Challenge and that was a big part of my choosing it for this Take 2.
I love anything that has to do with cameras...stamps, die-cuts, patterned paper...bring it all!

I used these cute movie number reel die-cuts from Fancy Pants for the year and some other clusters.

I kept the main photo strip the same as the original page I did, except instead of stamped Polaroid
frames I used the die-cuts from Elle's Studio and Basic Grey. You can see all the products included in
this month's kit - Photo Goes Here.

You can see the original post on the Scrapbook Circle BLOG as well as the Idea Gallery from the rest of the DT!  September's ideas have been really fantastic.
Thanks for stopping by today...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

might as well JUMP! Color Me Scrappy Challenge #45

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Well, the end of summer is upon us...despite the weather in AL still being in the 90's.
This was our last fun trip to the lake before school started.

Sam never ceases to surprise me...
just when I think I can predict his reaction to something new or different, he does the opposite!
His sister is always ready to go, to try anything, to jump in head first!
He usually needs to warm up to the idea, maybe he is growing out of that though...

This LO is for the first Color Me Scrappy Challenge for September.  
It is a fun fall color scheme and the twist was the use the sketch shown below.
You can check out the details of the Challenge HERE and see the other takes
from the rest of the DT as well.

Just about everything from this layout came from the August Scrapbook Circle kit-
'Lets Go on an Adventure' and a few bits from older SBC kits.
I will use every last one of those Crate Paper frames that were part of the August Add-On!

A couple other pieces of 6x6 pads from Basic Grey and Amy Tan, some flair, washi, 
wood veneer and other pieces I found that matched the color scheme.  
That is one of the reasons I love this Challenge blog so much, it gives me am opportunity to find 
lots of uses of scraps and pieces I can't bear to part with my throwing out.  

Thanks for checking it out and be sure to stop by the Color Me Scrappy BLOG and share your project with us!

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